Seminar on Academic Exchange between HUAF and FORMIS II Project - General Department of Forestry

Monday - 23/10/2017 08:12
Within the framework of cooperation with the FORMIS II project, on October 18, 2017, the Faculty of Forestry, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry organized an academic exchange seminar entitled "Monitoring System and Sharing of Forest Resource Data in Vietnam ". The seminar attracted over 100 students and faculty members from the Faculty of Forestry.
Seminar on Academic Exchange  between HUAF and FORMIS II Project - General Department of Forestry
At the Seminar, the topic "Monitoring System and Sharing of Forest Resource Data in Vietnam" was briefly introduced to participants by Mr. Tapio Leppanen – Head consultant of the project and his colleagues. This was a new system to develop a perfect  integrated information management system for forest resource management as well as teaching and scientific research in Vietnam.

At the Seminar, the participants had chances in exchanging and sharing their experiences as well as giving many practical questions to experts. Therefore, the seminar was very exciting with the spirit of openness between attendees and presenters.

Sinh viên Khoa Lâm nghiệp đặt câu hỏi với các chuyển gia của Dự án FORMIS II

A student of Forestry Faculty asked Mr. Tapio - Head consultant of the project some questions 

 Trao đổi chuyên môn của TS. Hoàng Huy Tuấn - Phó Trưởng Khoa Lâm nghiệp với các chuyên gia của Dự án FORMIS II

Dr. Hoang Huy Tuan - Vice Dean of Forestry Faculty asked Mr. Tapio - Head consultant of the project some questions 

TS. Nguyễn Văn Minh Giảng viên Khoa Lâm nghiệp đặt câu hỏi với ông Tapio Cố vấn trưởng của Dự án

Dr. Nguyen Van Minh - Lecturer of Forestry Faculty asked Mr. Tapio - Head consultant of the project some questions 

Toàn cảnh

At the Seminar

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