The aims of the meeting that took place at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (Vietnam) were to understand the objectives, models and structure of a Technology Transfer Office and how to apply for faculties and departments at HUAF; to understand different Technology Transfer Schemes and the impact of Technology Transfer activities; to understand how to create a research portfolio and develop marketing strategies and to understand the importance of developing strategies for business engagement and how to apply for faculties and departments at HUAF.
The training attracted 52 participants from HUAF's researchers and staff.

The following topics were addressed: Creating a Research Portfolio and technology offer; Structure of a Knowledge Transfer Office; Strategies for Business Engagement and Technology Audit methodology (Pham Huu Ty); Group Exercise: Creating a Research Portfolio and technology offer (Le Van An).
At the training, the presenters described contents related to Research Management: Creating a research portfolio and strategies for business engagement. The participants commented and discussed on the topics actively.