Participants in the workshop
The main aim of the training that took place at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (Vietnam) was to increase their knowledge on key topics for a better R&I management and implementation; to understand advantages and disadvantages of creation of start-up and spin-off unities in academic and research sphere; To show some good cases of spin-off and business engagement of researchers at HUAF; to define the mission and services of start-up and spin-off bodies in R&I structure.
The training attracted about 60 participants from HUAF's researchers and staff and external agencies.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Van An stated at the training
The following topics were addressed: the existing situation on exploitation and commercialization of research products; research evaluation criteria, advantages and disadvantages of spin-off.
During the training, the participants commented and discussed on the topics actively.
Discussion session from participants