Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam

Sunday - 27/03/2016 23:10
Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam
Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam

Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD) under Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF) was established according to decision numbered 73/QD-TC dated 7/11/1995 issued by Hue University Director.


2.1. Vision:

CRD will be a leading organization working for the sustainable rural development of the Central region and the whole country for the sake of a society without poverty, in which environment and ecology are improved, justice and democracy are increasing.

2.2. Missions:

The missions of CRD are to carry out applicable researches, conduct training and technology transfer in order to improve the capacity of the local people and officials on agriculture and rural development with a view to increasing livelihoods, protecting ecological environment, promoting democracy and social justice, thus contributing to implementing rural development programs in the central region and in the whole country.  

2.3. Over all goal:

To actively contribute to the life betterment of the people, especially the poor, women, children and the ethnic minorities, and to social development in the context of global integration, open market economic system and climate change.


The 02 main fields of activities of CRD are Consultancy and Development.  
As for human resources, CRD has 22 full time staff and numerous part time ones who are lecturers of HUAF and some other colleges of Hue University. CRD staff is well-qualified to meet the requirements of rural development, hunger eradication and poverty reduction (HEPR)  programs in the areas. Recently, over 50% of CRD staff has Post-graduate Degree, mostly from abroad.  



CRD has 05 main fields of activities:                  
•           Sustainable livelihood development and Poverty reduction (PR)
•           Disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change (CC)
•           Natural resource management and environmental protection
•           Good governance
•           Social enterprise


The contribution of CRD to rural development and HEPR programs in the Central region are presented in 04 main activities as follows: 
5.1. Building projects and conducting fund-raising for the localities: 
          From 1995 to 2015, CRD has carried out 160 projects in 200 communes of 200 districts, mainly in 07 central provinces from Nghe An to Quang Ngai with a total budget of 180 billion VNDs.   
5.2. Building capacity for the people for HEPR: 
          CRD has conducted a number of activities to enhance the capacity of the people, namely: 
  • Capacity building for the communities via training classes: 
There have been appropriately 48,000 participants (including both farmers and officials of all levels) taking part in training classes held by CRD to improve capacity in both production and management.  
CRD has also established 52 models of production development and those of agricultural production towards climate change adaptation. Besides, the Centre has organized 613 on-field workshops with the participation of 18,500 farmers to evaluate the results of production and share experiences in applying state-of-the-art technology advances.  
  • Organizing study tours for the people 
CRD has organized 60 study tours for 1,650 people of the communes to learn and share experiences in different fields to develop production (exclusive of the tours at home and abroad for CRD staff and the University lecturers). 
  • Carrying out development researches:   Over the last years, CRD has conducted 41 researches in 04 main fields: 
  • Researches on production development and livelihood improvement for the people 
  • Researches relating to climate change
  • Researches relating to policies 
On the basis of the research results, CRD has published 16 books and 58 scientific articles in Agriculture and Rural Development Magazines, Journal of Science of Hue University and other national and international academic journals.
5.4. Other fields of activities relating to HEPR:
- Emergency relief: CRD has implemented emergency relief of natural disaster aftermath to approximately 50,000 beneficiary households at 50 communes in 04 provinces of Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam.
- Information exchange: CRD regularly hold national workshops/conferences on an annual basis in order to exchange information and experience with different partners in related fields.


Apart from contributions to production, CRD also has also been actively contributing to the development of the University in some aspects as follows: 
  •  Improving capacity of the university staff, thereby helping improve the quality of teaching 
+ CRD has organized a number of study tours for hundreds of University staff to many other districts of the country as well as to some neighboring countries.   
+ CRD is also a place where outstanding students are selected for further training with a view to providing qualified human resources for other departments of the University when needed. 
  • CRD was the basis for the University to have established new disciplines on Extension and Rural Development since 2002 and post-graduate on rural development since 2008 in order to meet the requirements of society. CRD projects have been serving as places for students of Department of Extension and Rural Development to practice and do research.   
  • Transferring technological advances into production and serving as a bridge between university and society: 
Many technological advances have been successfully transferred and applied in production; various models have been established and replicated to other localities in the Central. Technological advances have helped increase crop and livestock productivity and minimize diseases, thus significantly contributing to improving the income of the people.  
6.4. Contributing to the Welfare Fund of the University:
 Center has always been the largest contributor to the Welfare Fund of the University, and in some years accounting for up to 50% of the contribution by all the units of the University.


International cooperation is a prominence of CRD. In recent years CRD has been cooperated with over 35 international organizations.  

Third-class Labour Medal 2010
Certificate of Merit of the Prime Minister 2005
Emulation Flags of Ministry of Education and Training 2015
Certificate of Merit of Ministry of Education and Training 2002
Certificate of Merit of Ministry of Education and Training 2005
Certificate of Merit of Ministry of Education and Training 2015
Certificate of Merit of Vietnam General Confederation of  Labour 2002
Certificate of Merit of Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee 2004
Certificate of Merit of Quang Binh People’s Committee 2005
Certificate of Merit of Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee 2006
Certificate of Merit of Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee 2015
Certificate of Merit of  Quang Nam People’s Committee 2015

Contact details:
Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam
Add: 102 Phung Hung, Hue, Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam
Tel: +84 543 529749;  Fax: +84 543 530000
Email: office@crdvietnam.org; Website: http://crdvietnam.org
Download the 20-year summary record at:  http://crdvietnam.org/vi/ra-mat-ky-yeu-20-nam-1995-2015-xay-dung-va-phat-trien/

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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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