In-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) in Thua Thien Hue Province

Thursday - 31/03/2016 14:45
The technical procedures of in-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia are fundamental technique for technology transfer and provide Gloxinia in-vitro plants to farmer whose cultivation of Gloxinia in Thua Thien Hue province and the Central region of Vietnam.
In-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) in Thua Thien Hue Province
In-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) in Thua Thien Hue Province
1. General information:

Project title: In-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) in Thua Thien Hue Province.

Code number: DHH 2013- 02 - 28

Coordinator: Msc.  La Thi Thu Hang

Tel: 0979626691                          E-mail:

Implementing institution: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry

Cooperating institution(s): Mr. Nguyen Van Lu, Tien Non village, Phu Mau commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province.

Duration: from 01/2013 to 12/2014

2. Objective(s): To determine the technical procedures of in-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia.

3. Creativeness and innovativeness: To provide 02 technical procedures of in-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia.

4. Research results:

1) In-vitro propagation of Gloxinia.
  • The study results showed that the stem segments with axillary bud of Gloxinia and sterilization method by using HgCl2 (0,1%) in 10 minutes has the best results.
  • Efficient shoot regeneration obtained from stem segments with axillary bud of gloxinia were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1mg BA/l, 0,02mg α-NAA/l, 6,5g agar/l and 30g sacarose/l  (shoot regeneration rate: 46,67 - 60% and average number of shoot: 1,17-1,53).
  • The best shoot multiplication medium was MS supplemented with 0.5mg BA/l, 6.5g agar/l and 30g sacarose/l produced 5,1 -7,83 shoots per stem segment with axillary bud.
  • For root initiation, the highest number of roots per shoot explant was obtained from medium containing MS supplemented with 0,3mg α-NAA/l, 6,g agar/l and 30g sacarose/l (root regeneration rate: 100% and average number of roots per shoot: 7.07).
  • Plants standards were acclimatized and transplanted to greenhouse conditions with 6-8 leaves/ plant, numerous roots, root length: 0.5 - 2 cm, plant height: 4 - 6 cm, and fresh weight is 0,6 - 0,9g/plant.
2) Nursery cultivation of Gloxinia
  • The most suitable season for nursery cultivation of Gloxinia in-vitro is autumn - spring (form August to March next year). Survival rates from 95.56% to 100%, the plant grow well.
  • Sand is the most suitable substrate for nursery cultivation of Gloxinia: new roots and new leaves emerged 5 days and 11 days after planting, respectively. Survival rates: 97.78 to 100%.
  • Using foliar Dau Trau 005 for nursery cultivation of Gloxinia: 7.87 to 7.93 leaves/plant and plant height: 7.17 to 7, 28cm.
  • Plants standards for commercial production of Gloxinia with 6-10 leaves/plant, numerous roots, plant height 4 - 8 cm, and fresh weight is1 - 2 g/plant.
5. Products:
  • Technical procedures of in-vitro propagation
  • Technical procedures of nursery cultivation of Gloxinia, and
  • 02 thesis of post - graduate student and 03 theses of under- graduate students. 

6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability:

The technical procedures of in-vitro propagation and nursery cultivation of Gloxinia are fundamental technique for technology transfer and provide Gloxinia in-vitro plants to farmer whose cultivation of Gloxinia in Thua Thien Hue province and the Central region of Vietnam.

Author: La Thi Thu Hang

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