CDAE Project: the pioneer in providing Agroecology training program

Thursday - 28/07/2022 12:09
The Master program in Agroecology was approved by Hue University on March 1, 2022, to allow University of Agriculture and Forestry to carry out this program.
CDAE Project: the pioneer in providing Agroecology training program

The Master program in Agroecology (pilot program, proposed code: 8620120) was approved by Hue University President on March 1, 2022, to allow University of Agriculture and Forestry to carry out this program. This program is the result of CDAE project which is sponsored by the European Union and coordinated by Hue University. 

Currently, there are many universities providing training programs in Agroecology at undergraduate level but it is found that there are not many existing programs at postgraduate level. This program was developed by referring to such related programs as the Master program in Agroecology opened at University of Mendelu (Czech Republic) and Institute Politecnico De Coimbra (Portugal). A number of contents have been selected to complete the curriculum.

Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University 

Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University has well prepared its human resources for implementing this training program with the contribution of visiting lecturers from Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam National University of Agriculture.  

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Students of University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University


The program complies with international standards and regulations of Vietnam 

This Master program’s curriculum received the consultancy and transfer from European partners with the agreement for all Asian partners under CDAE project. The program is going to enroll 15 to 20 students per year, starting in 2022.


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