HUAF delegation worked with Lam Dong province, Dak Nong province

Tuesday - 14/06/2022 16:30
From May 23-25, 2022, the HUAF delegation led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Duc, Rector, and accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong - Provincial Member, Chairman of the Council of Hue University, had visited and worked in Lam Dong and Dak Nong provinces to learn and expand cooperation in the fields of training, fostering, research, technology transfer, and many other fields.
HUAF delegation worked with Lam Dong province, Dak Nong province
In Lam Dong province, welcoming the delegation at the headquarters of the Provincial People's Committee were Mr. Pham S - Vice Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee, and representatives of the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
At the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thanh Duc introduced the 55-year history of construction and development and the significant achievements that HUAF has achieved, especially the development in training and scientific research.
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Mr. Pham S - Vice Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee spoke at the meeting
On behalf of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Pham S - Vice Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee expressed his impression of the achievements that HUAF has achieved in 55 years of development history, especially the results in university administration, facilities, and development strategies in the fields of strengths and spearheads of the university.
Mr. Pham S and the leaders of the Departments wanted to have long-term cooperation with HUAF in the fields of training and technology transfer, especially in processing technology, high-tech agriculture, medicinal plants, and the organic agricultural industry.
Continuing the business trip, on the morning of May 24, 2022, HUAF's delegation had a meeting with leaders of Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee on developing cooperation in the fields of training and science and technology.
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Mr. Le Trong Yen - Vice Chairman of Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee spokr at the meeting

On behalf of Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Le Trong Yen - Vice Chairman of Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee welcomed the proposal for the cooperation of the University and the University of Natural Resources in the fields of training and science and technology as the university and the Provincial People's Committee had discussed in the meeting.
 HUAF representatives took souvenir photos with localities:
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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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