Thursday - 07/07/2016 15:36
1. Full name: Dinh Vuong Hung CV Dinh Vuong Hung
2. Date of birth: 25-11-1958 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title:  
Degree: Ph.D Year of graduation: 2004
5. Working position: Lecturer  
6. Home address: 7A1 / 100, Trieu Quang Phuc Street, Thuan Hoa, Hue City
7. Mobile phone: Email: ……………
8. Fax:
9. Office:
Name of leader of office:
Address of working place: 0913 420362
Phone: 0543537747
Career Training Place Training Expertise Graduation Year Notes
Regular University of Agricultural and Mechanical of University N01- Ha Noi- 1980 Focus
Master Engineering University of Agricultural and Mechanical of University N01- Ha Noi- 1996
Dr. Technical University of Agricultural and Mechanical of University N01- Ha Noi- 2004

11/1980- 1/1981 Learning reserve officers in armored Academy.

2 / 1981-1984 Team-driving vice Engineering Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry 102, Phung Hung, Hue City.

1985- 2000 Head, Department of Electrical Engineering Department, University of Agriculture and Forestry University of Agriculture and Forestry.
Dean of Faculty Engineering – Technology, 2001-2009 of University of Agriculture and Forestry 102, Phung Hung, Hue.
1 / 2010- to date Head of Department Administration; Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Party Committee.
4/2016 to date Chairman of the University Council agroforestry - Hue University;  Head of Department Administration.
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
1. Dinh Hung Vuong, (1996), research, design and manufacture of yarn rolling machines eagle, Master of Science thesis techniques, Hanoi.
2. Phan Hoa, Hung Vuong Dinh, (1998), "Survey some cases by rolling plant fibers eagle pair rollers" swimming ", Journal of Agriculture and Industry City, No. 10, (pages 436-438 ).
3. Phan Hoa, Hung Vuong Dinh, (1999), "The situation of research on fiber eagle crusher in our country today," Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry (Agriculture and Food Industry), No. 2 (pages 95-96 ).
4. Hung Vuong Dinh, (1999), "Some research results about rolling machines porous fiber plants as the basis for application design thread rolling machines eagle tree", Findings Science, Technology Agriculture and Forestry 1998-1999, Publisher of Agriculture, Hanoi, (528 pages).
5. Dinh Vuong Hung, Nguyen Thi Minh Thuan, (2000), "Study of some cases by rolling plant fibers eagle pair rollers" swimming ", Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry, No. 10 (pages 447-448).
6. Dinh Vuong Hung, Nguyen Thi Minh Thuan, (2001), "Look at the compression plant fiber on the tractor-compression WE-300", Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), No. 10 (pages 711-712).
7. Dinh Vuong Hung, Phan Hoa, (2002), "Experimental study identified a number of optimization parameters of thread rolling machines eagle tree", Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 12, (pages 1095-1096).
8. Dang Huy Vuong Dinh Hung, (6/2003), "Building a theoretical model rolling plants in agriculture porous fibers by analytical methods", Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 6, (page 798- 702).
9. Vuong Dinh Hung, (11/2003), "Research on material compression type hammer fell with the elastic block"; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 11, (pp. 1400-1404).
10. Dang Huy Vuong Dinh Hung, (11/2004), "Develop analytic models to choose textured thread rolling machines eagle tree", Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 11 (48), (pages 1544-1547 ).
11. Hung Vuong Dinh, Tran Nhu piercings. (10/2005) Initial results of the study grain dryers stand SV-1 screw. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 10-2005, pages 27-28.
12. Hung Vuong Dinh. (4/2007). Building multiple models rolling axis cellulose fiber materials in agriculture and forestry. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 4-2007, pages 97-98.
13. Hung Vuong Dinh Master. (1997) Some research findings on fiber crusher eagle tree.
Anthology of Works of scientific and technical research and agricultural economics, University of Agriculture and Forestry, from 1967 to 1997. Agriculture Publisher, pages 230-232.
14. Dinh Vuong Master Hung, Phan Hoa PTS. (1997) study process plant fiber molding sponge squeezed swimming axles. Anthology of Works of scientific and technical research and agricultural economics, University of Agriculture and Forestry, from 1967 to 1997. Agriculture Publisher, pages 234-239.
15. Hung Vuong Dinh Master. (1999) Some research findings on rolling machines porous fiber plants as the basis for application design thread rolling machines eagle tree. The results of scientific research - 1998-1999 Agriculture and Forestry Technology, University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agriculture Publisher, pages 467-471.
16. Phan Hoa, Dinh Vuong Hung and CTV. (1999) research, design, manufacturing improvements row spreader harvesters, small size suitable for the production conditions in the central provinces. The results of scientific research - 1998-1999 Agriculture and Forestry Technology, University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agriculture Publisher, pages 472-476.
17. Hung Vuong Dinh, Nguyen Dang Listing. (2002) study and apply improved rice cutter lawn mower from the province of Thua Thien Hue. Proceedings of scientific research results - 2000-2002 Agriculture and Forestry Technology, University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agriculture Publisher, pages 383-387.
18. Bui Hai Trieu Vuong Dinh Hung. (12/2002) Application rheological models to analyze the stress - deformation of the porous fibrous material under the effect of the rollers. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development No. 12/2002, pages 1101-1102.
19. Phan Hoa, Hung Vuong Dinh, Nguyen Thanh Long, Nguyen Dang Listing ... (2002) study determined the optimal parameters of axial threshing machine that you are using in the central region.
Science Conference Proceedings First, 45-year anniversary of Hue University.
20. Hung Vuong Dinh. (2007). Research, design and manufacture of machine peeled sesame seeds. Union collective Information Science and Technology Association of Thua Thien Hue and Vietnam Agricultural Engineering.
21. Dinh Vuong Hung, Do Minh Cuong; Research design and prototyping improved drying equipment with solar energy. Information Electrical Engineering Agricultural and agro-forestry product processing, the Vietnam Agricultural Engineering, No. 21/2009.
22. Hung Vuong Dinh. Research improved design and prototyping equipment pure distilled water filtered by solar energy for domestic use. Information Electrical Engineering Agricultural and agro-forestry product processing, the Vietnam Agricultural Engineering, No. 22/2010.
* English:
23. Viet-Hung. Pham, Vuong-Hungary. Nutrition, Department of Technology, Nong Lam University Hue, Vietnam, Keh-Moh. Lin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan; 2007.
"Enhance the Efficiency of Photovoltaic module by using the Automatic Two-axis Solar Tracking System based on microcontroller and a new photo-sensor", ENERTECH Conference, Greek, 2007 (
24. Viet-Hung. Pham, Vuong-Hungary. Nutrition, Department of Technology, Nong Lam University Hue, Vietnam, Keh-Moh. Lin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan
"Propose a new photo-sensor for automatic Two-axis solar tracking system to Enhance the efficiency and Reduce the cost of Photovoltaic Energy System based on microcontroller" ITHERM Conference, USA, May 2008 (final accepted paper)
25. Nguyen Quang Lich, Vuong Dinh Hung; Study and design of the rabbit coop for small-scale farms in Central Vietnam. International workshop Rabbit Organic farming based on forages, Cantho University, Cantho City, Vietnam. 25-27 November, 2008.
26. Nguyen Quang Lich, Vuong Dinh Hung, Do Thi Bich Thuy. Current status of production mechanization and post-harvest rice in the central region, Vietnam - Development Solutions Participatory Impact Pathway Analysis Workshop .. (PIPA) on Postharvest Rice. Hotel for Su- Vung Tau, Vietnam. 23 to 24 April 2009.
27. Hung Vuong Dinh, Nguyen Xuan Trung. Some research findings garlic drying system by solar drying type natural convection mixture;
Rural Industry Magazine, No. 2/2011 (ISSN 1859-4026).
28. Do Minh Cuonga, b, Zhu Shihonga, Vuong Dinh Hungb, Nguyen Thi Ngocb
"Study on the vertical stiffness and damping coefficient of tractor using semi-empirical tire model"
Journal of Science - University of Hue, the English journal (Journal of Science). No. 5/2013, Volume 83; ISN 1859-1388.
29. Hung Vuong Dinh, Nguyen Xuan Trung;
"The technology of fish drying by solar energy."
Rural Industry Magazine (Journal of Rural Industry); No. 9/2013; ISSN 1859-4026.
30. Nguyen Xuan Trung - Hung Vuong Dinh;
"Agricultural drying equipment with solar energy in Vietnam"
Journal of Science, Tra Vinh University; No. 11, May 12/2013; ISN 1859-4816.
31. Ho Nhat Phong, Pham Xuan Phuong, Hung Vuong Dinh.
Application deployment model scales dried fish drying households in Hai Phong, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue province. Rural Industry Magazine, No. 7/2012; ISSN 1859-4026.
32. Do Minh Cuonga, b, Zhu Shihonga, Vuong Dinh Hungb, Nguyen Thi Ngocb
"Study on the vertical stiffness and damping coefficient of tractor using semi-empirical tire model". Journal of Science - University of Hue, English Journal, May 7/2013.
33. Ho Nhat Phong, Pham Xuan Phuong, Hung Vuong Dinh.
Application deployment model scales dried fish drying households in Hai Phong, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue province. Rural Industry Magazine, No. 7/2012; ISSN 1859-4026.
34. Do Minh Cuonga, b, Zhu Shihonga, Vuong Dinh Hungb, Nguyen Thi Ngocb
"Study on the vertical stiffness and damping coefficient of tractor using semi-empirical tire model". Journal of Science - University of Hue, English Journal, May 7/2013.
35. Do Minh Cuong, Dinh Vuong Hung, Nguyen Thi Ngoc. "An empirical exploration of the seat oscillations tractor working on paddy land." Science Magazine - Hue University, ISSN 1859-4581, May 4/2015, pp 215-224.
13. Certificates (If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
Research, design, manufacturing plants eagle rolling machines CE-1 and CE fiber-2. Research, manufacture and transfer production to 02 models in Phong Binh, Phong Dien, Thua Thien Hue and Long An Province Department of Industry. 1998-2000.
2.  Curriculum: Agricultural Mechanization Electrification Co-author with Prof. Dr. Phan Hoa. Common curriculum for all sectors of the University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agricultural Publishing House, Hanoi, .1990. 1989-1990
3.  Curriculum: The basic equipment in food processing of agricultural products co-author with Prof. Dr. Tran Nhu piercings. Under the contract has been accepted with the University of Agriculture and Forestry and used since 2008. 2007-2008
4. Textbooks for Agricultural Engineering Project NUFIC, NLU has been under contract with the acceptance of the project NUFIC Program, University of Agriculture and Forestry and used since 2008. 2007-2008
5. Research, design and manufacture, transfer of technology and equipment for the heating system for the winter crop for a shrimp farm in Dai Nghia Vo, Hong Thuy commune, Le Thuy, Quang Binh. Dai Nghia Vo Farm in pink Cards commune, Le Thuy, Quang Binh.
Type: Contract TK-installation and hand delivered to the farm owners. Contract value: 450,000,000 e. Have successfully applied for the 5000 m2 pond from winter 2007-2008. 2007-2008
6. Design, fabrication, installation and transfer drying system 04 2-4 T Province / strong for drying rice seeds, wheat meat. Under mountains Rural Project in Thua Thien Hue province. Investing in Agriculture Cooperative Dong Xuan Huong Xuan Huong Tra and Phu Hoa Cooperative, Phu Thuan commune, Quang Dien, Thua Thien Hue. 2005-2006
7. Design, fabrication and installation of 01 systems using solar dryers for drying onions in Ly Son island district, Quang Ngai Properties Branding Project Ly Son garlic, Quang Ngai province. Yield: 0.5-2 T / strong. Of which: 01 contract with the Head of Household: Dang District, 01 Contract with Diep Tran Chan, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Quang Ngai. Placed: 2009-2010
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
Topic: Research, design and manufacture of rolling machines CE-1 fiber plants 1999-2000 Level Has MOET acceptance, well graded, 2000
2. Subject: Determining the actual situation, develop solutions to develop agricultural mechanization and semi-processed agricultural products in the province of Quang Tri. 2004-2005 B2004-08-03
Already MOET level acceptance, well graded, 2005
3. Science and Technology Project: Building the model applied Agricultural mechanization  & semi-processed some key agricultural cultivation in the province of Thua Thien Hue. 2004-2005 Project Thua Thien Hue provincial acceptance of Rural programs – mountains  Already, ranked well, 2005
4. Science and Technology Project: Building the model applied Agricultural mechanization in Harvest and preliminary processing of rice in the province of Quang Binh. Quang Binh 2007-2008 provincial project of the provincial Science and Technology Program Implemented and acceptance, classification possible.
5. The theme of Science and Technology: Building a model number of farmers to apply CGHNN & agricultural processing Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai province. 2007-2008 Subject Quang Ngai Provincial of the Province CT MOST strictly Made and collected. Rank good;
6. Subject Research: Research and application of solar energy for production and railways to farmers in the provinces of Thua Thien Hue. Supply 2008-2009 Subject Was MOET acceptance, graded well.
7. Research topics: Applied research equipment fresh water from sea water filter, using solar energy. DHNL- 2014 Hue University School level project
Project name, project, task joined Time
 (Start - end end) Under the program (if any) Status Thread; (Already accepted / not accepted)
1. Topic: Research, design, manufacturing axial threshing teeth fit the central provinces. 1994-1995. Hosted by: Dr. Phan Hoa Level Has MOET acceptance, well graded, 1995
2. Project pilot production : Fabrication axial threshing machine D-500. 1996 Hosted by: Dr. Phan Hoa Level Has MOET acceptance, well graded, 1995
3. Subject: Research improvements sprayed reaper suit every household undersized central provinces. Hosted by: Dr. Phan Hoa. 1997 Supply Already MOET acceptance, well graded, 1998
4. Project pilot production: Production line spreader harvesters and GRH GRH-0,9-1.2. 1998 Hosted by: Dr. Phan Hoa Level Has MOET acceptance, well graded, 1999
5. Topic: Research, design, manufacturing, small-size coffee dryers 2003. Hosted by: Dr. Phan Hoa Level Has MOET acceptance, well graded, 2004
6. Project: Build a model number of farmers applying technical advances towards industrialization-H University in the province of Quang Binh, proposed development solutions. 2003-2004. Chair: Dr. Nguyen Minh Hieu project grant acceptance Has Quang Binh, ranked well, 2004
16. Rewards (If possible)
The form and content TT Award Year Award
17. Other achievements (If possible)
Research and transfer of successful applications in the production of the model, the following products:
1. Machine rolling plant fibers (in Phong Binh, Phong Dien, Thua Thien Hue - 1997)
2. The cylindrical dome type Biogas systems enhancements 5-50m3 tonnage (approximately 30 systems in Quang Binh, Quang Ngai, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Tri - 1996- 2011)
3. The types of filtration systems and water supply for households and farms, ensure TCVN on rural water. (Made in the Topic – Project  in Bo Trach Quang Binh, Son Tinh - Quang Ngai, Quang Dien - Hue); 2008
4. Provincial dryer for drying and other agricultural products, CS 1-12 tons / strong; Fuel used: coal or other fuels .. (made in the Topic – Project  in: 06 systems in Huong Thuy, Quang Dien and Huong Tra - Hue, Son Tinh - Quang Ngai; 2004-2009
5. The system of open and closed style mesh material used in situ, for growing safe vegetables, flowers and medicinal herbs (made in the Topic – Project  in: 03 systems in Hue, Son Tinh - Quang Ngai, Ha Tinh); 2007-2008
6. drying agricultural and marine systems using solar convection style and type of combination (hybrid drying) (was transferred to garlic Processing Facility at: Ly Son island district - Quang Ngai, 01 dryer models faculty rice at CK-Sun solar, Hue), 2008-2010
7. Design, manufacture and successfully tested samples lawn mower for cutting grass stacker gardens, stadiums, parks (CK models in Science and Technology, 2009)
8. Design, manufacture and successfully tested samples of drinking water filtration equipment by solar distillation capacity of 10 liters / day for lack of clean water area (CK models in Science and Technology, 2009)
9. Design, manufacture and successfully tested stoves with solar patterns, capacity of 1.5 kW for household central region (CK models in Science and Technology, 2010)
10. Design, manufacture and successfully tested samples of hot water heaters with solar innovation, capacity 50 liters / day for household central (CK models in Science and Technology, 2009)
19. The module is taught at the University of Agriculture and Forestry;
      - University:
      1. Automotive tractor and new energy, 03 credit
      2. The basic equipment for processing agricultural products, foods, 03 credit
      3. Technology used and repair 03 credit
      - Graduate Level:
      1. Motivation and hydraulic machine 02 credit
      2. Theory calculations harvesters 02 credit
      3. Machine Dinamics  02 credit
 Key: CV, dinhvuonghung

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