The first graduation ceremony in 2016 for PhD students and MA students

Monday - 04/07/2016 15:06
On June 25th, the first graduation ceremony in 2016 was held at the functional room of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF) for 2 PhD students and nearly 200 MA students who have already graduated from the 18 to the 19 academic courses.
The first graduation ceremony in 2016 for PhD students and MA students
Participants in the graduation ceremony consisted of leaders who were in the Rector board, some lecturers of HUAF along with all PhD students and MA students who have just graduated from these school years mentioned above.

HUAF started graduate training under the decision of No 1946/QD-SDH on September 16, 1993, with 3 initial majors including Horticulture, Animal science and Land management. The graduate training’s aims of HUAF are to meet the needs for society in providing professional engineers in fields of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture. In addition, HUAF also enhances its high quality of training, develops staffs abilities, and its facilities. Until now, HUAF has trained 21 courses and reached 10 specializations in master courses training such as crop science, animal science, veterinary medicine, land management, silviculture, rural development, engineering, plant protection and food technology and 5 PhD majors such as crop science, land management, forestry, rural development and animal sciences. Moreover, among the 1,800 MA students who have been trained in HUAF, 1,200 students have already conferred their certificates, while the 500 other students are still studying towards their degrees.

At the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van An- Rector of HUAF hoped that all new doctor students and master students who will graduate in these courses, should try their best to devote their knowledge, skills, enthusiasm, creativeness, activeness in their working position to develop in fields of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture for society in the future.

Some photos were taken at the ceremony

Toan canh 1

PGS TS Le Van An

khen thuong cac hoc vien co thanh tich xuat sac


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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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