Working with Professor Akihiro Takemura from Ryukyus University, Japan

Tuesday - 07/06/2016 08:56
On June 1st , Professor Akihiro Takemura – Vice Dean of Science Faculty and Director of Transdisciplinary Research Organization for Subtropics and Island Studies of Ryukyus University, Japan, paid a visit and worked with leaders of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF). Assoc. Prof. Dr Le Van An who is the Rector of HUAF hosted the meeting.
Working with Professor Akihiro Takemura from Ryukyus University, Japan
The participants in the meeting also consisted of Dr. Pham Huu Ty - Head Department of Science & Technology and International Cooperation and Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phuoc - Vice Dean of Fisheries Faculty.

At the meeting, Professor Akihiro Takemura introduced about the project “The research on Biological characteristics of Siganus guttatus in Vietnam” which funded by Japanese Research Co-operation and Development Foundation during 3 years (from August 2016 to July 2019). The project will be implemented within the framework of the collaboration between two universities, typically the research on the Biological characteristics of Siganus guttatus in the first year and the research will be deployed in the experiments of the influences of environmental conditions such as light, tide on Siganus guttatus in the next two years.

This is the first basic research on the Biological characteristics of Siganus guttatus reproduction. The result of this research will provide the crucial information on the artificial Siganus guttatus reproduction and sea fishes in Vietnam in the future.

After that, the leaders of two universities hoped that they would enter the further co-operation such as signing the memorandum of international cooperation and academic exchange between two universities in near future.

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At the meeting

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At the meeting

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Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van An gave a gift to Prof.Akihiro Takemura

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Participants took a photo together

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