Meeting with Executive board of HUAF Alumni in the period of 2014-2019

Saturday - 04/06/2016 15:15
On 28th May 2016, HUAF held the meeting with the Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF) alumni who are in the Executive Board of the period of 2014-2019.
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Participants in the meeting included Assc.Prof.Dr Le Van An- Rector of HUAF, along with lecturers in alumni association and 20 members who are representatives of alumni association in the whole country.

At the meeting, representatives of past graduates/ alumni association introduced about activities held in the previous years. Moreover, they hope that HUAF will form a common rule for all associations in order to appeal to other alumni for joining together in related activities of HUAF.

After that, Assoc.Prof.Dr Huynh Van Chuong-Vice Rector of HUAF, and Head of Communicator board thanked the participants for their ideas. HUAF will consider the mechanism for activities organized by associations in the country and over the world.

On this occasion, HUAF will set up an official network of Alumni to help HUAF’students easily apply for their jobs after graduation and to meet needs for alumni associations in the future.

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Tang hoa

 Key: HUAF, alumni, 2014-2019

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