Conference on Developing a cooperation plan between HUAF and De Heus. Co., Ltd

Saturday - 11/09/2021 19:42
On August 24, 2021, an online conference was held to discuss the training cooperation plan between University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University (HUAF) and De Heus. Co., Ltd.
Attending the conference for HUAF, there were: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thanh Duc- Rector - chaired the conference; Prof. Dr. Le Dinh Phung – Vice Rector; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Van – Dean of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine; Dr. Nguyen Van Duc - Head of Department of Academic and Students’ Affairs, along with some HUAF staff.
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The scene of the conference at the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University

On behalf of De Heus company, there was the attendance of Mr. Le Van Ut Lon (Alex) - Deputy General Director of Animal and Poultry Feed Business in Vietnam and Cambodia, leaders of units and officials participating in the scholarship program “Shape Your Own Future – SYOF”.

At the conference, the two partners shared and discussed cooperation plans in training and recruitment; the form of cooperation and implementation of the training scholarship program "Shape Your Own Future – SYOF - 2021". In addition, the two sides also discussed the signing of a new cooperation agreement between HUAF and De Heus company. The purpose of the program is to cooperate with HUAF to train students with extensive professional knowledge with high practicality, equipping them with necessary soft skills to meet the job requirements in an international working environment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Duc welcomed the interest of De Heus leaders for HUAF's students. He also assigned the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Academic and Students’ Affairs to coordinate with De Heus company to continue to develop a more realistic program plan, especially in the context of the complicated and potentially prolonged COVID-19 epidemic.
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Overview of the conference

On the basis of initial results achieved at this conference, functional units will connect information, discuss together to come to a consensus. From there, this meaningful program can be brought to more HUAF students in the future.

In addition, HUAF and De Heus company also shared difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of the cooperation program, thereby looking for more suitable solutions and implementation plans for the new acedamic year.

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Author: QT

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