ToT training: Innovating science and technology and raising funds for research (according to ENHANCE project)

Tuesday - 22/05/2018 09:16
On May 18, 2018, Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation (HUAF) organized a training session on innovating science and technology and raising funds for research of the unit (according to the content of ENHANCE project).
ToT training: Innovating science and technology and raising funds for research (according to ENHANCE project)
Attending the training session included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van An - Rector of HUAF, Co-ordinator of ENHANCE project; Head of Department of Science, Technology and International Co-operation; some researchers of HUAF.
PGS TS Le Van An 1
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van An stated at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van An highly appreciated the training session organized and hosted by Department of Science, Technology and International Co-operation. This was a good opportunity for scientists and educational administrators to share science and technology, orientation of research fundraising, and promotion of better scientific products in the future. According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van An, to develop a university, HUAF should develop both research and education”.
TS Pham Huu Ty trinh bay tai buoi tap huan
Dr. Pham Huu Ty presented at the training session
At the training, Dr. Pham Huu Ty- Head of Department of Science, Technology and International Co-operation presented interesting topics such as introduction to fundraising & fundraising strategies for ERAMUS+; ENHANCE project- Strengthening National Research and Innovation Capacities in Vietnam; Research management; Creating research portfolio and Technology Map; The contribution of university research parks to regional innovation ecosystems: Alicante science park.
TS Duong Thanh Hai
Dr. Duong Thanh Hai stated at the meeting

After that, Dr. Duong Thanh Hai (Faculty of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) shared the fundraising experience of the Faculty so that scientists could understand the development strategies of scientific research and practical application of the Faculty.

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