Tuesday - 05/07/2016 17:20
1. Full name: Nguyen Van Duc CV Nguyen Van Duc
2. Date of birth: 16/04/1980 3. Sex: male
4. Academic title:  
Degree: PhD of soil science Year of graduation:  2013
5. Working position: Lecturer, Deputy of Head -  Department of  Educational Testing and Assurance Quality  
6. Home address: 1/2/35 Dang Tat str., Hue city, Vietnam
7. Mobile phone: 0963327755 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office: Hue university of Agriculure and Forestry
Name of leader of office: Assoc. Prof. Le Van An
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung str., Hue city, Vietnam
Phone: +84 543537303
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Bachelor Hue university of Agriculure and Forestry        Crop science 2003
Master Hue university of Agriculure and Forestry Crop science 2007
PhD People’s Friendship University of Russia  – Federal of  Russia Soil science 2013
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 2003  now Hue university of Agriculure and Forestry Lecrurer
2 2009 12.2013 People’s Friendship University of Russia  – Federal of  Russia PhD student
3 2015 Now   Deputy of Head -  Department of  Educational Testing and Assurance Quality
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Nguyen Van Duc – Studying effect of micro-elements to Nu white corn in sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province. Scientific Report Vietnamese 2005 52
2 Nguyen Van Duc – Evaluating drought tolerance ability of new-hybridized white corn.  Scientific Report Vietnamese 2007 48
3 Nguyen Van Duc – Evaluating drought tolerance ability of white corn collected in the Central of Vietnam. 3th National Young Science conference Proceedings of Agriculture – Forestry – Aquaculture Universities, p 333-336. Vietnamese 2007 4
4 Nguyen Van Duc – Reaction of  local white corn in irrigation condition in Spring season 2007 in Thua Thien Hue Province   Science conference Proceedings in Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, 2008 Vietnamese 2008 56
5 Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen Van Khoi -  Effects of compound  AMS-1 on growth, development and yield of water melon in Spring – Summer season 2006 in sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2007 8
6 Le Dinh Huong, Pham Khanh Tu, Tran Van Minh, Nguyen Minh Hieu, Hoang Kim Toan, Le Van Hai, Hoang Trong Khang, Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen Tien Long, Nguyen Dinh Thi, Ho Cong Hung, Frederic Francis and Claude Bragard; 2009; Investigating biolimitations and non-bio-limitation (pest on rice, peanut, chilly and farming technique) in sandy soil in the Central of Vietnam; Improvement of food in poor-nutrient sandy soil in coastal region of Thua Thien Hue Province, Central of Vietnam. Journal of Science, Hue University 4/2009; p 211 – 237. English 2009 27
7 Нгуен Ван Дык - Гумус в почвах лесных ландшафтов
Горного Вьетнама
Nguyen Van Duc – Humic in soils of forest ecosystem in Vietnam.
Сборник статей
II  международной научно – практической конференции преподавателей, молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов, посвященной 50 – летию образования РУДН, ст. 372 -374
2th International Workshop Proceedings on Science and Practice of Lecturer, Your scientists and PhD candidates. Publisher of People’s Friendship University of Russia, p 372-374, 50 year Celebration of founding People’s Friendship University of Russia, Publisher of People’s Friendship University of Russia, p 372-374
Russian 2010 3
8 Д.б.н, проф. Ларешин В.Г., Нгуен Ван Дык – прогностические модели устойчивости гумусового состояния почв лесных экосистем горного Вьетнама
Pro. Dr. Lareshin V.G., Nguyen Van Duc – Predicting sustainable model of humic status in forest ecosystem in mountainous region of Vietnam.
Сборник материалов
I-международной межвузовской конференции «Современные  методы аналитические контроля качества и безопасности продовольственного сырья и продуктов питания» - Из-cтво МГУТУ, ст 206 – 214
1st International multi-discipline Workshop Proceedings on “Modern Methods in Analysis, Management and Food security” Publisher of Moscow National  University of Mangement and Technology, p 206-214
Russian 2010 8
9 Нгуен Ван Дык, Ларешин В.Г., Слободянюк А.В.  – Гумусообразование как критерий оценки устойчивости ферраллитных почв Горного Вьетнама
Nguyen Van Duc – Process of forming humic as an element to evaluate subtainability of Ferralsol in mountain of Vietnam.
Сборник статей
III международной научно – практической конференции преподавателей, молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов, посвященной 50 – летию образования РУДН, Из-cтво РУДН,ст. 375 -379
3th International Workshop Proceedings on Science and Practice of Lecturer, Your scientists and PhD candidates. 50th Anniversary of founding People’s Friendship University of Russia, Publisher of People’s Friendship University of Russia p 375-379
Russian 2011 5
10 Нгуен Ван Дык, Ларешин В.Г., Слободянюк К.В., Русакова Е.С. - Экспертная оценка состава органического вещества ферраллитных почв Вьетнама.
Nguyen Van Duc, Lareshin V.G., Clobodianiuk K. V., Rusakova E.S. – Rapid assessment of organic matter components in Ferralsol in Vietnam.
Сборник статей
IV - международной научно – практической конференции преподавателей, молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов, Из-cтво РУДН,ст. 187 -189
4th International Workshop Proceedings on Science and Practice of Lecturer, Your scientists and PhD candidates. Publisher of People’s Friendship University of Russia, p 187-189.
Russian 2012 3
11 Нгуен Ван Дык Характеритика гумуса в горных почвах  Вьетнама
Nguyen Van Duc - Characteristics of humic in mountainous soil of Vietnam.
Горный журнал, с. 379-384
Journal of Mine, p 379 – 384
Russian 2012 6
12 Нгуен Ван Дык, Ларешин В.Г., Слободянюк К.В. Гумусовое состояние ферраллитных почв экосистем горного вьетнама.
Nguyen Van Duc, Lareshin V.G., Clobodianiuk K.V. – Status of humic in Ferralsol in mountain of Vietnam.
Весник РУДН серия Агрономии и животноводства, с. 29 – 36.
Journal of Science – People’s Friendship University of Russia, Agriculture and Husbandry Series, p 29-36
Russian 2013 8
13 Нгуен Ван Дык  - Гумины гумуса как показатель экологической устойчивости ферраллитных почв вьетнама.
Nguyen Van Duc – Humin as sustainable element of soil ecology in Ferralsol in the mountain of Vietnam.
Сборник статей
V - международной научно – практической конференции преподавателей, молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов, Из-cтво РУДН,с. 187 -189
5th International Workshop Proceedings on Science and Practice of Lecturer, Your scientists and PhD candidates. Publisher of People’s Friendship University of Russia, p 187-189.
Russian 2013 3
14 Нгуен Ван Дык - Оценка состава и  устойчивости   органического вещества ферраллитных почв горного Вьетнама
Nguyen Van Duc – Assessing components and sustainable of organic matters in Ferralsol soil in the mountain of Vietnam.
Горный журнал, с. 281-286
Journal of Mine, p 281-286
Russian 2014 6
13. Certificates (If possible): Inspectors of education quality
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
 No. Research titles Year      Status                                          
 1 Studying effects of micro-elements to Nu white corn in sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province. University research project - Leader. 2005 Done. Credit
 2 Evaluating drought tolerance ability of new-hybridized white corn - University research project - Leader 2007 Done. Credit
 3 Testing water absorbent on crops in mountainous and sandy region in Thua Thien Hue Province. Provincial level project – Member. 2005 - 2007 Done.
 4 Using organic carpet for crops in mountainous and sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province. Provincial level project – Member. 2005-
5 Strengthening  research capacity on seed health in Vietnam (CEF/SHIP)- International Cooperation Project - Member 2004 -2009 Done.
6 Studying and selecting white corn seed for the Central of Vietnam. Ministry level Project – Member 2007 - 2009 Done.
7 Studying and producing mix micro-elements compound – hormone on growth and yield of peacenut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province. Ministry level Project – Member 2007 - 2009 Done.
 Key: CV, nguyenvanduc

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