Saturday - 04/06/2016 10:18
1. Full name: NGUYEN THI HONG MAI 
2. Date of birth: 06 March 1973 3. Sex: Female
4. Academic title:  
Degree: Ph.D of Agricultural Science Year of graduation: 2015
5. Working position: Lecturer  
6. Home address: 280/5 Nguyen Sinh Cung street, Hue city, Vietnam
7. Mobile phone: +84. (0) 912711481 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office: Forestry Faculty
Name of leader of office: Dang Thai Duong
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung street, Hue City, Vietnam
Phone: 054.3529137
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Bachelor Faculty of Forestry, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue city, Vietnam Silviculture 1996
Master of Science Ateneo de Manila University, Phiippines Social Development 2001
Doctor of Agricultural Science Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, Germany Agricultural Economics 2015
No. Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 1996 Present Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Lecturer and Researcher
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No. Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Chapter 7: Benefit Sharing in Community Forest Management (CFM), Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam”. In “A Fair Share? Experiences in Benefit Sharing from Community-managed Resources in Asia” (Pp 79-88). Bangkok and Hanoi: RECOFTC, WWF and SNV Netherlands Development Agency. Book English 2007 10
2 Beneficiary and Lesson learn for integrating the ethnic minorities in Hong Ha commune, Aluoi district, Thua Thien Hue province to regional and global market. In Market, Animal Disease management in upland Vietnam. Vol.1. Hanoi: Agricultural Publishing House Book Vietnamese 2008  
3 Forestland and Non-timber-forest-product management and utilization in Hong Trung commune, Aluoi district, Thua Thien Hue province. In Market, Animal Disease management in upland Vietnam. Vol.1. Hanoi: Agricultural Publishing House Book Vietnamese 2008  
4 Conditions and organizing community forest management: Lessons and experiences from Thua Thien Hue Province”. In Community Forest Management in Vietnam: Policy and Practice. Proceeding of National Workshop on community forestry management organized by Department of Forestry-Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, IUCN Vietnam, RECOFTC. Hanoi 5 June 2009 Proceeding of Conference Vietnamese and English 2009  
5 Forestland ownership Transferring from state to Households: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in upland of Thua Thien Hue province. One chapter in “Common Pool Resource Management in Upland Central Vietnam”- Funded by IDRC Book Vietnamese and 2010  
6 Conflict in Natural resource management in Central Vietnam: The role of collective action in protecting community benefits. Proceeding of Tropentag Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development- Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum (ISBN: 978-3-95404- 498- 6). Online access: Proceeding of Conference English 2013 4
7 How to benefit the Upland poor in Central Vietnam from forest devolution. .  Proceeding of Tropentag Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development- Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum (ISBN: 978-3-95404- 498- 6). Online access: Proceeding of Conference English 2013 4
13. Certificates(If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)

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