Sunday - 05/06/2016 09:31


1. Full name: DUONG NGOC PHUOC CV Duong Ngoc Phuoc

2. Date of birth: 19/10/1985

3. Sex: male

4. Academic title: Aquaculture, Rural development


Degree: Bachelor of aquaculture engineering
Master of rural development

Year of graduation: 2008, 2012

5. Working position: Lecturer


6. Home address: D11 Block,  Phu Hiep planning zone, Phu Hiep town, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province

7. Mobile phone: 0905925885


8. Fax:

9. Office: Extension and rural development Faculty

Name of leader of office: Nguyen Viet Tuan

Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung, Hue city

Phone: 054.3523845


Academic Training

Places of training


Graduated year

Rural development

Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (2010-2012)




Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (2004-2008)





Time of beginning

Time of ending

Working places

In charge of




Faculty of extension and Rural Development; Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam

Teach and Research on Community development and Rural studies




Centre for Community Research and Development (CCRD)

Coordinator – Programme officer Planning and technical officer
Coordinate a research team
Prepare research proposals 
Conduct field work
Write report

12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years


Name of journals/articles/magazines

Type of journals/articles/magazines


Year of publication








13. Certificates (If possible)


14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)


15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)

Dates (from – to)


Description of the contract /mission

Tasks and responsibilities

2013- now

MFF Viet Nam – Phase II

Community-based mangroves conservation and crab bank model in Lang Co Lagoon (Lap An Lagoon), Thua Thien Hue Province

Etablish Lang Co Fishery associtation
Operate community based nursery
Support FA's mangroves and aquatic conservation activities
Farmer Field School (FFS) in crabs bank (selecting, collecting and farming techniques in mangroves)


Quang Ninh Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Fund (RDPR)

Consultancy for final evaluation project.

Researcher and consultant to final evaluation project.


WWF Vietnam

Consultancy for evaluation financial access opportunities for shrimps and noodle’s households in Quang Vinh and Quang Cong communes, Quang Dien Districts

Team member to consultant for evaluation financial access opportunities


The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC)

Consultancy for building self-help groups in 6 communes Quang Binh and Quang Tri province

Team member for developing training and providing technical support to establish, operate, and building capacity for livelihood development of the self-help groups


GEF/UNDP Small program (SGP/GEF)

Grant to build model of Community-based Fishery Protected area in Tam Giang lagoon

Consultant for strengthening Fishery Association, facilitating fishing right allocation and operation of the community-based fishery protected area


MFF Viet Nam

Community-based restoration and management of mangrove in Lang Co lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province

Establish and train community organization particularly the Fisheries Association (FA)
Develop a community-based management plan including zoning mangrove conservation areas.
Implement community-based activities for mangrove and lagoon aquatic resource protection
Improve management and the use of aquatic resources (fishing and aquaculture)
Facilitate lagoon resource use rights allocation


Fisheries Sector Programme Support Phase II in Thua Thien Hue Province - DANIDA

Consultant and trainer
Activity 1: Evaluating pilot fishery co-management models in Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province
Activity 2: Trainings/ meetings on community development in aquaculture and recommendations to development community in aquaculture
Activity 3: Techinical assistance to complete fishery co-management models in Thua Thien Hue’s lagoon

Conduct training courses on community development in aquaculture and recommendations to development community in aquaculture
Techinical assistance to complete fishery co-management models in Thua Thien Hue’s lagoon
Evaluating pilot fishery co-management models in Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province


FAO - Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast Asia (RFLP)

Activity 1.3.5 “Conduct Fisheries Association operational training”, 
Activity 1.6.3 “Organize habitat management awareness raising activities”,
Activity 1.6.1 “Develop habitat management plans by communities”, and
Activity 1.5.2 “Develop marine capture fisheries management plan by communities”

Team leader in Thua Thien Hue province for service on :
Provide training on FA operation for key FA members
Raise awareness of the FA members on role of community action for marine environment protection;
Assess the current status of fishing activities, fisheries resources, and aquatic habitats through a participatory process
Ddevelop a community regulation and action plans for coastal/inshore capture fisheries management and aquatic habitat protection in the RFLP target communes in Thua Thien Hue


FAO - Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast Asia (RFLP)

Baseline survey to build the project planning

Conduct baseline survey in Quang Tri province



IFAD-Decentralization Program for Poverty reduction

Consultancy for building community based Saving & Credit groups

Team member for building awareness, participatory assessment, establishment and operation of 400 community-based saving and credit groups in the poor communes of Quang Binh province


Fisheries Sector Programme Support Phase II in Nghe An Province

Trainings on community management in fishery capture and aquaculture

Provide  tranning on community management for FA member


CIDA (Canada) Principles in Practices (PIP) for Sustainable marine and coastal resource governance

Building local capacity on Sustainable marine and coastal resource governance for communities, government and universities

Team member for PRA application on:
-Participatory assessment of resource and livelihood for problem solving
-Participatory planning for resource governance
-Building fishery association
-Facilitate learning for capacity building of local stakeholder groups


International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada

Grant to carry out action research on Governance and Management of the coastal common pool resources

Researcher on CBO strengthening, participatory planning and fishing right allocation (Built the first model of fishery co-management in Tam Giang lagoon and Vietnam)

2008- 2010

Nordic Assistance to Vietnam (NAV): Assistance on Resource Management and Livelihood Improvement in the Tam Giang lagoon

Technical consultancy

Consultant for service on:
-Establish and build capacity of the fishery association
-Technical assistance for sustainable aquaculture and livelihood diversification
-Facilitate planning and fishing rights allocation



16. Rewards (If possible)
 3 rd  of Thua Thien Hue competition of scientific and technical creativity


17. Other achievements (If possible)

 Key: CV, duongngocphuoc

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