Opening ceremony of the National Research Data Collection Center and the seminar on Thailand-Vietnam Socio-Economics Panel (TVSEP) Project

Tuesday - 04/04/2017 08:35
Yesterday morning (March 29th 2017), Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF) held an opening ceremony of the National Research Data Collection Center (NRDCC) and introduced the seminar on Thailand-Vietnam Socio-Economics Panel (TVSEP) Project.
Opening ceremony of the National Research Data Collection Center and the seminar on Thailand-Vietnam Socio-Economics Panel (TVSEP) Project
Participants in the opening ceremony and the seminar consisted of Prof.Dr. Hermann Waibel and Prof. Dr. Grote (Leibniz University Hannover), Dr. Rattiya. S. Lippe – Research Database Manager, Dr. TrungThanh Nguyen – National Research Coordinator in Vietnam, Ass. Prof. Dr. Suwannna Praneetvatakul – National Research Coordinator in Thailand, and Data Collection Centre in Vietnam including Prof.Dr. Le Van An (Rector of HUAF), Dr. Pham Huu Ty (Head Department of International Cooperation-HUAF), and some faculty members from Hue College of Economics and Faculty of Land Management & Agricultural Environment Faculty and CRD (HUAF).

This project is an international research project sponsored by the German Science Foundation (DFG). The project has established a unique panel database of some 4,400 rural households with some 22,000 individuals in 440 villages, distributed over six provinces in Thailand and Vietnam. TVSEP has already carried out six panel waves of data collection starting in 2007 and continued from 2016 to 2024. The project is composed of two major activities: (1) data collection, data management and descriptive analysis and (2) scientific research carried out by the applicants themselves, researchers in high-level international research and development institutions and researchers in Thailand and Vietnam. At the end of the project the panel will consist of ten waves of rural household and village surveys and three waves of migrant tracking surveys. The database is uniqe and offers enormous potential for research that can result in publication in international journals.

At the beginning of the seminar, Dr Rattiya. S. Lippe – Research Database Manager presented an overview of the project and opportunities of using the TVSEP database. Following that were the research examples using TVSEP data both in Thailand and Vietnam.  Prof. Hermann Weibel introduced and addressed to start the activities of the NRDCC. After that, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Van An – Rector of HUAF cut the ribbon for TVSEP Office label.

The researchers and those who are interested in TVSEP database and would like to use these data can access the website: to register and login.

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