Saturday - 23/04/2016 15:24
1. Full name: HOANG HUY TUAN
2. Date of birth: 02 April 1969 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title: Senior Lecturer  
Degree: Ph.D. Year of graduation: 2015
5. Working position: Vice-Dean of Forestry Faculty  
6. Home address: Collective quarter 98 Trieu Quang Phuc street, Hue City, Vietnam
7. Mobile phone: 0914263761 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office:
Name of leader of office: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van An
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung Street, Hue City, Vietnam
Phone: 054.3522353
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Ph.D. Hanoi National University, Vietnam Environment and Sustainable Development 2015
M.A. Chiang Mai University, Thailand Sustainable Development 2005
B.Sc. Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam Forestry 1996
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 1996-now   Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Lecturer and Researcher
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Titles Name of journals/articles Type of magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Hoang Huy Tuan, Tran Thi Thuy Hang Analysis of Factors Influencing Community Forest Management: Case Study in Pho Trach Village, Phong Binh Commune, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province
Journal of Science, Hue University, Vol. 94, No. 6 Vietnamese 2014 14
2 Hoang Huy Tuan Decentralization and Property Rights in Natural Resource Management: Theoretical Approach and Contextualization in Forest Management in Vietnam.  
Vietnam Journal of Forestry Sciences, Number 01/2013 Vietnamese 2013 13
3 Hoang Huy Tuan, Tran Thi Thuy Hang, Nguyen Huu Huy and Nguyen Quang Tan Statutory and Customary Laws in Forest Management in Pho Trach village, Phong Binh commune, Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Number 12/2013 Vietnamese 2013  
4 Hoang Huy Tuan, Tran Thi Thuy Hang Livelihood’s local people and forest protection and management: Case study of Ka Non 1 village and A Luoi protection forest management board, Thua Thien Hue province Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Number 13/2012 Vietnamese 2012  
5 Hoang Huy Tuan How does forest decentralization influence property rights in Community Forest Management? Case study from Upland in Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam..
Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Number 16/2010 Vietnamese 2010  
6 Hoang Huy Tuan Forest Decentralization in Thua Thien Hue province: Roles, Incentives and Capacities of Stakeholders.
Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Number 04/2007 Vietnamese 2007  
7 Hoang Huy Tuan Decentralization and Local Politics of Forest Management in Vietnam: A Case Study of Cơ Tu Ethnic Community. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, Nr 52/2006 English 2006 37
13. Certificates (If possible)
- Rapid Land Tenure Assessment (RaTA), ICRAF, Hanoi 15-16 August 2013
- Natural Resource Governance, RECOFTC, Hue 10-15 December 2012
- TOT on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), RECOFTC, Da Lat 18-22 July 2011
- Regional Research Development and Methodology, Mekong Institute, Thailand 25 May – 12 June 2009
- Farmer-Led Extension, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), Philippines, Oct. 7-25, 2002
- Human Dimensions of Sustainable Upland Resource Management, Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), National University Vietnam, 1997 (3 months)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
Organising and strengthening producer groups of small Acacia producers in the North Center Region of Vietnam (2009-2011)
Integrating mangrove restoration and conservation into sustainable livelihood improvement in An Hoa lagoon, Quang Nam Province (2011-2012)
Enhancement of Land Access for Van Kieu Ethnic Minority in Quang Binh Province (2012-2013)
People Centered PFES/REDD+ in the North Center Region of Vietnam (2014-2015)
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)

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