Sunday - 05/06/2016 14:33
1. Full name: TRAN THI THU HA Tran Thi Thu Ha
2. Date of birth: 20/11/1972 3. Sex: Female
4. Academic title: Associate professor  
Degree: PhD Year of graduation: 2007
5. Working position: Vice-Dean of Faculty of Agronomy  
6. Home address: 39/250 Phan Boi Chau Street – Hue City
7. Mobile phone: +84905975101 Email:
8. Fax: 84. 54. 3524923
9. Office: Hue college of Agriculture and Forestry
Name of leader of office: Assoc. Prof. Le Van An
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung Street – Hue
Phone: +84.54.3525544
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
PhD Wageningen University, Netherlands Plant science 2007
Master Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam Plant science 1999
Engineer Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam Plant protection 1996
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 9/1996 2015 Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Lecturer
2 2015 Now Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Senior lecturer,
Vice-Dean of Agronomy Faculty

12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Raaijmakers, J.M.; Souza, J.T.; Tran Thi Thu Ha; Boer, M. de; Geerds, C.F.; Gunter, G.; Ficke, A. 2004. Biosurfactants and biological control of zoosporic fungi

Book of Abstracts International Congress Rhizosphere 2004, Munich, Germany, 12-17 September 2004 English 2004  
2 Raaijmakers, J.M.; Tran Thi Thu Ha; Boer, M. de; Geerds, C.F.; Waard, P. de; Beek, T.A. van; Souza, J.T.; Ficke, A. 2005. Activiteit van cyclische lipopeptide surfactants tegen pathogene Oomyceten Gewasbescherming 36 (1). - p. 23 - 24.
Dutch 2005  
3 Tran Thi Thu Ha; Ficke, A.; Asiimwe, T.; Höfte, M.; Kruijt, M.; Bruijn, I. de; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2007. Role of the cyclic lipopeptide massetolide A in biological control of Phytophthora infestans by Pseudomonas fluorescens Book of Abstracts XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Sorrento, Italy, 21-27 July 2007. English    
4 Tran, H.; Ficke, A.; Asiimwe, T.; Höfte, M.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2007. Role of the cyclic lipopeptide massetolide A in biological control of Phytophthora infestans and in colonization of tomato plants by Pseudomonas fluorescens New Phytologist 175 (4). - p. 731 - 742. English 2007 7311-742
5 Tran, H.; Kruijt, M.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2008. Diversity and activity of biosurfactant-producing Pseudomonas in the rhizosphere of black pepper in Vietnam. Journal of Applied Microbiology 104 (3). - p. 839 - 851.
English 2008 839-851
6 Govers, F.; Meijer, H.J.G.; Tran, H.; Wagemakers, L.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2008. Unraveling the senses of Phytophthora; leads to novel control strategies?

Book of Abstracts The Third International Late Blight Conference, Beijing, China, 3-5 April 2008. English    
7 Kruijt, M.; Tran, H.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2009.  Functional, genetic and chemical characterization of biosurfactants produced by plant-growth promoting Pseudomonas putida 267. Journal of Applied Microbiology 107 (2). p. 546 - 556.
English 2009 546-556
8 Govers, F.; Meijer, H.J.G.; Tran, H.; Wagemakers, L.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2009. Unraveling the senses of Phytophthora; leads to novel control strategies? Acta Horticulturae 834 . - p. 41 - 50.
English 2009 41-50
9 Meijer, H.J.G.; Tran, H.; Mortel, J.E. van de; Gisbergen, P.A.C. van; Wagemakers, L.; Raaijmakers, J.M.; Govers, F. 2009. Cellular responses of Phytophthora infestans to cyclic lipopeptide surfactants produced by Pseudomonas species. Book of Abstracts 8th Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network Meeting, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 15-17 March 2009.
English 2009  
10 Meijer, H.J.G.; Tran, H.; Mortel, J.E. van de; Gisbergen, P.A.C. van; Wagemakers, L.; Raaijmakers, J.M.; Govers, F. 2009. Cellular responses of Phytophthora infestans to cyclic lipopeptide surfactants produced by Pseudomonas species. Book of Abstracts 25th Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 17-22 March 2009.
11 Clinckemaillie Aurélie, Tran Thi Thu Ha, Pham Khanh Tu, Joseph E.Dufey and Anne Legreve. 2009. Effect of organic amendments on the health of rice and peanut crops in coastal sandy soils of Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam.  Proceeding of improving food crop productivity in the coastal sandy area of Thua Thien Hue province, Central Vietnam. Hue University Publishing House - p. 332 – 340   2009  
12 Mortel, J.E. van de; Tran, H.; Govers, F.; Raaijmakers, J.M. 2009. Cellular responses of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans to cyclic lipopeptide surfactants and their dependence on G-proteins. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (15). - p. 4950 - 4957.   2009  
13 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Hoang loc, Do Van Giap, Nguyen Xuan Vinh. 2013. Efect of suitable culturing conditions on biomass of antagonicstic bacteria Pseudomonas putida. Journal of plant protection, p. 7-10:No 1/2013.   2013 7-10
14 Hoang Thi Hong Que, Tran Thi Thuy, Tran Thi Thu Ha, Trương Thi Bich Phuong. 2014. Effect of Bokashi-Trichoderma organic microorganism fertiliser on nematode density of black pepper in Quang Tri. Science journal of Hue University, p. 93-102, volume 89, No 1, 3/ 2014.
  2014 93-102
15 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Hoai Thach Thao, Pham Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Tan Phuong Anh, Hoang Thi Hong Que. 2011. Morphological characteristics and pathogenicity of Fusarium caused yellowing disease of black pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri . Journal of plant protection, p. 11-16, No 6 (240)/2011. ISSN 0868-2801.
  2011 11-16
16 Nguyen Bao Hung, Hoang Tan Quang, Tran Thi Thu Ha, Tran Nguyen Thao, Tran Thi Diem Chau, Nguyen Hoang Loc. 2010. Isolation and characterization of the chitinase from Trichoderma asperellum. Journal of Biotechnology 8(3B): 1491-1497.   2010 1491-1497
17 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Tang Ton, Tran Nam Thang. 2014. Status of cultivation, major pests and diseases of black pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri. Science  Journal of Hue University Volume 89, No 1, 3/ 2014. p. 7-14.
  2014 7-14
18 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Pham Thi Anh Thao. 2012. Effect of Pseudomonas Biological Product on Growth, Developement and  Alive Ratio of Stem Cuttings Black Pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri, Journal of plant protection, p. 30-34:No 6/2012.   2012 30-34
19 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Hoai Thach Thao, Nguyen Tang Ton. 2011. Control of quick wilt disease by biocontrol, fungicide and building the model of intergrated crop management of black pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri.
10th national conference of Vietnam plant pathoglogy at Ha noi Agriculture Universty 20-22/7/2011, p.163-172. Ha Noi Agriculture Publishing.   2011 163-172
20 Bui Ngọc Thao, Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Tang Ton (2010). Study on the pathogenicity, effect of temperature, and pH on Phytophthora capsici caused quic wilt disease of black pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri.
Journal of Biotechnology 8(3B): 1491-1497.   2010 1491-1497
21 Tran Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Tang Ton. 2011. Study on the population and density of nematodes attack black pepper in Cam Lo, Quang Tri. Science Journal of Hue Univerity, p. 5-12, volume67, No 4/2011. ISSN 1859-1388. Science Journal of Hue Univerity, p. 5-12, volume67, No 4/2011. ISSN 1859-1388.
  2011 5-12
22 Nguyen Vinh Truong, Nguyen Thi Xuan, Tran Thi Thu Ha. 2014. Study on the situation of yellow slow decline disease of black pepper in Quang Tri and effect of Bokashi-Trichoderm organic microorganism fertiliser on nematodes. Journal of plant protection, p. 28-32, No 2 (253)/2014.   2014 28-32
13. Quantity of certificates (If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
Effect of antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas putida on wilt diseases caused by fungi on groundnut in Thua Thien Hue. 2009-2010. Funded by Ministry of Education and Training
Effect of antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas putida on quick wilt disease (Phytophthora capsici) of black pepper. 2011-2012. Funded by Ministry of Education and Training
Study on intergrated solutions to manage soil-borne pests and diseases of black pepper. 2011-2013. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
Study on making and application of biological product from actinomyces Streptomyces and antagonistic fungi of Trichoderma ton control anthranose, bacterial wilt on chilli pepper (Capsium frutescens) in North central part. 2013-2014. Funded by Ministry of Education and Training
Identification and characterization of Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin from peanut-cropped soils and peanut seeds and control by biological agents in Nghe An. 2013-2014. Funded by NAFOSTED
16.Rewards (If possible)
1. Nguyen Truong To award for the best undergraduate student in 1995

2. Sony award for the best master student in 1998
3. Vietnam Inovation Day 2011 – Award for project “Pseudomonas biological product – Solution for quick wilt disease of Black pepper held by World Bank and Minsitry of Planing and Investment 15-15/6/2011.
4. 3rd prize in 2013 for :Biological product and Bokashi-Trichoderma organic microorganism fertiliser to control nematodes of blakc pepper” held by Division of market development and science & technology enterprise and Hue University.
5. 1st prize in 2014 for  project “Effect of antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas putida on quick wilt disease (Phytophthora capsici) of black pepper” at Innovation Award of Science and Technology of Thua Thi Hue province.
5. VIFOTEC 2014 award for “Effect of antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas putida on quick wilt disease (Phytophthora capsici) of black pepper”
17. Other achievements (If possible)
 Key: cv, tranthithuha

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