Friday - 01/07/2016 15:14
1. Full name: NGUYEN THI THU THUY CV Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy
2. Date of birth: 11/06/1979 3. Sex: Female
4. Academic title:  
Degree: Year of graduation:
5. Working position: lecturer  
6. Home address: 2/3/35 Dang Tat Str, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue
7. Mobile phone: 0948829130 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office: Faculty of Agronomy
Name of leader of office: Tran Dang Hoa
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung, Hue city
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Bachelor Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Protection of plant 1998-2002
Master Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Crop Science 2003-2005
Master Catholique University of Louvain, Belgium. Protection of plant 2007-2008
Doctor SupAgro Montpellier France Biology Plant 2010-2013
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 2002 2006 Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Lecture
2 2007 2008 Catholique University of Louvain, Belgium. Master student
3 2008 2009 Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Lecturer
4 2010 2013 SupAgro, Montpellier, France PhD student
5 2013 present Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Lecturer
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Survey of biotic and abiotic constraints for crop growth( rice, peanut insect pests, diseases and farmers’ cropping practices) in the coastal sandy area of Thua Thien hue province, central Vietnam, Improving food crops productivity in the coastal sandy area of the Thua Thien Hue province central VietNam Vietnam- Belgium interuniversity project 2004-2009, Hue university publishing house English 2009 211- 237.
2 Phytosanitary survey of major crops cultibated in the sandy area of  ThuaThien Hue province during the 2004-2008 period. Improving food crops productivity in the coastal sandy area of the ThuaThien Hue province central VietNam Vietnam- Belgium interuniversity project 2004-2009, Hue university publishing house English 2009 238-259.
3 Étude du développement de pecluvirus sur Nicotiana benthamiana exprimant la protéine de capside virale du Peanut clump virus. Vietnam- Belgium interuniversity project 2004-2009, Hue university publishing house French 2009 341-356
4 Efficiency of bio-pesticides used to control pests and disease on some main crops in the coastal sandy area of the Thua Thien Hue province from 2006 to 2008 Vietnam- Belgium interuniversity project 2004-2009, Hue university publishing house English 2009  
5 Study of botanics and bio-pesticides used to control pests on some vegetables in Vinh Phu, Phu Vang, Thua Thien Hue Magazine Research and Development ISSN 1859-0152, NO.2(73)
Vietnamese 2009 35-42
6 Growth and yield of peanut new varieties in Thua Thien Hue Magazine Research and Development ISSN 1859-0152, NO.2 (73): Vietnamese 2009 55-59
7 Resistance to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) of rice varieties is cultivated in the central region Magazine protection of plant 4: 34 – 38 Vietnamese 2009 34-38
8 Interaction between nitrogen metabolism and rice blast resistance. 8th conference of the French Society of Phytopathology. AgroParisTech, Paris –France, 64-65. French 2012 64-65
9 Diversity and genetics of nitrogen-induced susceptibility to the blast fungus in rice and wheat Rice 2013, 6:32 (20 November 2013)
English 2013  
10 Identification of RAPD markers linked to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistance in tomato using bulkedsegregant analysis. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 6 (1):152-159 Vietnamese 2014 152-159
11 Primary evaluation of differentials lines for blast (Pyricularia oryzae) resistance in central Vietnam 4th International rice congress in Thailand English 2014  

Study on sponge gourd (luffa cylindrica) germplasm in spring-summer 2014 at Gia lam, Ha noi

Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 98 (10) Vietnamese 2014  
13 Nitrogen fertilization of rice plants increases pathogen growth and affects expression of pathogenicity genes of the rice blast fungus Hue university journal science 98/10/2014
English 2015  
14 Aggresiveness accessment of bacterial ralsonia solanacearumisolates in the northern region Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 4/2015 Vietnamese 2015  
15 evaluation of agricultural and biological characterization of ricegermplasm that carried blast (pyricularia oryzae) resistance genes in thua thien hue
Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development: 4,  2015 Vietnamese 2015  
16 Resistance to blast disease of central vietnam and some agronomic characteristics of rice line containing different resistant genes
Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development:2 (10) 2015 Vietnamese 2015  

Study on variety selection and density of introduced Moringa accessions as vegetable under Thua Thien Hue condition

Hue university journal science 2/2015
Vietnamese 2015  

Development of a SCAR Marker Linked to Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) Resistance in Tomato Line Hawaii 7996 Using Bulked-Segregant Analysis


Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology (HEB)Vol 56, No. 4 (August 2015 issue) (DOI) 10.1007/s13580-015-1050-9 English 2015  
19 Identification of Rice Blast Resistance Genes in South Central Coast of Vietnam Using Monogenic Lines under Field Condition and Pathogenicity Assays Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A and B Hue University Journal of Science. Volume 5, Special Issue, December 2015. David Publishing Company English 2015  
20 Evaluation of Promissing Sponge Gourd (Luffa cylindrical) Accessions in Summer-Autumn Season 2014 in Thua Thien Hue Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A and B Hue University Journal of Science. Volume 5, Special Issue, December 2015. David Publishing Company English 2016  
21 study on genetic diversity and virulenceevaluation of blast rice (pyricularia oryzae) in the south central region
Magazine protection of plant 2: 34 – 38 Vietnamese 2016 34-38
13. Certificates(If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
- Study some measures to improve the health of rice seeds in Thua Thien Hue
- Effect of some chemicals to reduce pathogens on seeds in Thuy Duong, Huong Thuy, Thua Thien Hue
- Improving food crops productivity in the coastal sandy area of the Thua Thien Hue province central VietNam
- Development of markers linked to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistance genes in tomatoes and its application for tomato breeding in Vietnam
- Analysis of genetic diversity of Magnaporthe oryzae population in Central Viet Nam
- Identify causes of Rubber leaf fall disease in Thua Thien Hue and measures for disease control
- Research processing of waste agricultural residues with the aim to makes organic fertilizer in thua thien hue
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)

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