Wednesday - 01/06/2016 10:52
1. Full name: HOANG HUU TINH
2. Date of birth: February 02, 1985 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title:  
Degree: Master Year of graduation: 2010
5. Working position: Lecturer  
6. Home address: 65/01/06 Phan Boi Chau Street, Hue City.
7. Mobile phone: 0987.960.907 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office: Department of Biology, Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Hue University of Agriculture & Forestry.
Name of leader of the office: MSc. Tran Ngoc Truoi
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung Street, Hue City.
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Bachelor Hue University of Education Biology 2008
Master Hue University of Education Zoology 2010
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 October 01, 2011 Now Hue University of Agriculture & Forestry Lecturer
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Initial studies a diverse group of invertebrate animals in the soil medium (Mesofauna) at Con Co island of Quang Tri province Journal of Science and Education Vietnamese 2010 71-77
2 Research  diversity of mesofauna groups in Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province Proceedings of the 1st  National Scientific conference on Biological Research and Teaching in Vietnam Vietnamese 2012 346-354
3 Research earthworm and mesofauna groups in Phong Đien district, Thua Thien Hue province
Journal of Science and Education Vietnamese 2012 55-60
4 Research on diversity of mesofauna groups in Dakrong nature reserve,
Quang tri province
Proceeding of the 5th National Scientific Conference
On Ecology and Biological Resources
Vietnamese 2013 595-601
5 Species composition of earthworm and other groups on the soil in A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province Proceedings of the 6th National Scientific Conference
On Ecology and Biological Resources
Vietnamese 2015 908-913
13. Certificates(If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
1- Host of a project funded by Hue university of Agriculture and Forestry (2013): “Research on earthworms in farmland areas in Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Hue province”.
- Leading themes: MSc. Hoang Huu Tinh
- The participants: MSc. Duong Thi Thao Trang, MSc. Dang Thi Thu Hien
2- Host of a project funded by Hue University (2014-2015): “Building process of raising earthworm (Perionyx ecavatus) from household organic waste  to creating biofertilizer”. Code: DHH-2014-02-44.
- Leading themes: MSc. Hoang Huu Tinh
- The participants: PhD. Duong Thi Thao Trang, MSc. Dang Thi Thu Hien, MSc. Phan Thi Duy Thuan, Vu Thi Minh Phuong.
3- Participate in CIAT project (7/2014-12/2015): “Emerging Pest and Disease of Cassava in Southeast Asian: Seeking eco-efficient solutions to overcome a threat to the livelihood and industries".
- Leading themes: Assoc. Prof. Tran Dang Hoa, Ph.D.
- The participants: MSc. Le Khac Phuc, MSc. Nguyen Thi Thanh, MSc. Tran Thi Hoang Dong, MSc. Hoang Trong Nghia, MSc. Hoang Huu Tinh, Hoang Trong Khang.
4- Participate in university-level subjects (2015): “Simple method of DNA extraction of some vegetables and fruits”.
- Leading themes: MSc. Phan Thi Duy Thuan
- The participants: MSc. Dang Thi Thu Hien, MSc. Hoang Huu Tinh
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)
 Key: cv, hoanghuutinh

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