Sunday - 01/05/2016 16:47
1. Full name: DINH VAN DUNG CV Dinh Van Dung
2. Date of birth: 04.10.1982 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title:  
Degree: PhD Year of graduation:  2014
5. Working position: Lecturer  
6. Home address: 6/29 Xa Tac street, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
7. Mobile phone: 0986 939 906 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office:
Name of leader of office: NGUYEN XUAN BA
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung street, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
BSc Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine 2005
MSc Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Animal Science 2008
PhD Nanjing Agricultural University Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 2014
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 10/2005 3/2014 Hue University of Education  
2 4/2014 now Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry  
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Effects of factors on the using agriculture-by products for ruminant in Quang Ngai province Journal of Science, Hue University Vietnamese 2008  
2 Effacts of protein sourcars in concentrate on feed intake, digestibility and live weight gain of cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2009  
3 Nutritional value of forage feed for Sheep in Thua Thien Hue province Journal of Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technics Vietnamese 2012 63-68
4 Effects of concentrate levels on meat quality and quantity of Vietnamese Yellow cattle Journal of Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technics Vietnamese 2010 37-44
5 Effects of crude protein levels in concentrate on digestibility, nitrogen retention and rumen environment of fattening yellow cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2010 53-58
6 Effects of concentrate level on feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen retention and live weight gain of yellow cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2012 46-53
7 Systems of cattle production in South Central Coastal Vietnam Livestock Research for Rural Developmen English 2013 1-10
8 Practice on improving fattening local cattle production in Vietnam by increasing crude protein level in concentrate and concentrate level Tropical Animal Health and Production English 2013 1619-1626
10 Feeding system of fattening cattle on smallholder farms in Central Vietnam. Livestock Research for Rural Developmen English 2013 1-10
11 Effects of crude protein level in concentrate and concentrate level in diet on in vitro fermentation Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences English 2014 797-805
12 In vitro fermentation characteristics of rice bran, maize and cassava powder incubated with rumen fluid Journal of Science, Hue University English 2014  
13 Effects of concentrate level on enteric methane emission of fattening yellow cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 74-80
14 Study on enteric methane emission from smallholder dairy farm in the north of vietnam: a casestudy in smallholder dairy farm in Bavi, Hanoi Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 64-72
15 Reproductive constraints to improved productivity of smallholder cow-calf systems in South Central Coast Vietnam – insights from recent surveys Proceeding the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries English 2015 703-706
16 Effects of crude protein level in concentarte on methane emission of yellow cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 94-100
17 Cow-calf production systems in households in South Central Coastal Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 109-117
18 Enteric methane emission from smallholder semi-intensive beef catlle production system in the Central Highland: a casestudy in Eakar District, Dăklăk province Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2016 79-85
19 Study of characteristic of guieafowl’s appearance and meat productivity in household of Huong Tra town, Thua Thien - Hue province Journal of Science, HCM University of Education Vietnamese 2016 78-87
20 Estimation enteric methane emission from smallholder semi-intensive in Quang Nam province Proceeding of the 2nd National scientific conference on Biological Research and Teaching, Vietnam, Danang. Ha Nọi National University publish house Vietnamese 2016 940-946
21  Knowledge, attitude and behaviours associated with reproductive health of students of Hue University of Education Proceeding of the 2nd National scientific conference on Biological Research and Teaching, Vietnam, Danang. Ha Nọi National University publish house English 2016 877-886
22 The blood physiology of crossbred pig  (landrace × móng cái) × duroc in Phong Dien district Thua Thien Hue province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2016  
23 Reduced enteric methane emission and increased productivity from smallholder semi-intensive beef cattle production system in Quangngai province Journal of Science and Development Vietnamese 2016  
24 Reduced enteric methane emission and increased productivity from smallholder intensive beef cattle production system in Quangngai province Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2016  
25 Enteric methane emission from smallholder cows-calf production system in Ba vi, Hanoi Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2016  
26 Effects of crude protein level in concentrate and concentrate level on carcass composition and meat quality of Vietnamese yellow cattle Journal of Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technics English 2016 46-57
13. Certificates (If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
1/ Effects of concentrate  supplementation on feed intake and digestibility of Vietnamese yellow cattle fed rice straw and elephant grass.
2/ Estimation methane emission from beef cattle production systems in Central Vietnam
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)

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