Launching a club of agricultural extension and exchanging experience in raising cattles in An Chan commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province

Saturday - 10/06/2017 16:09
Within the framework of the ACIAR-LPS / 2012/062 project: "Improving the Sustainable and Effective Production of Cattles of households in Central Vietnam". From 10 to 11 of June, 2017, a launching ceremony of clubs of agricultural extension was held in An Quan commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province by HUAF in collaboration with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Phu Yen province.
Launching a club of agricultural extension and exchanging experience in raising cattles in An Chan commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province
Attending the ceremony were: Ms. Nguyen Thi Mai Ngoc - representative of Phu Yen Agricultural Extension Center, Assoc. Prof.Dr Nguyen Huu Van – Coordinator of the project, and staff from Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF). Particularly, there is a full presence of representatives of Party Committee and People's Committee, the member clubs of An Chan and Tay Giang.

Mr. Thai Thanh Hai Vice president of People's Committee of An Chan district handed over the decision to An Chan Club

In 2017, a wide range of activities such as assessing needs, establishing foundations, selecting members and organizing meetings were implemented by staff of the project along with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Phu Yen Province, An Chan Commune.

After nearly a year for the preparation of activities, An Tran club was established by the People's Committee of An Chuan Commune, consisting of 14 members, who were households had produced from 5-10 cows.

Members of An Chan club

The purposes of the establishment of clubs are to support each other in the development of cattle breeding, to access and apply new technological advances, to access market information and to share experiences in production to improve the efficiency of cattle production in particularly and agricultural production in generally. Main activities of the clubs are:

- Organizing monthly meetings to exchange experiences and disseminate knowledge on animal husbandry and cultivation;

- Linking information with authorities at all levels, state management agencies, technical assistance agencies, etc., to access and support capital, production organization as well as transfer technical and informational advances for the development of cattle;

Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Huu Van- Vice Dean of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine gave a flower to Head of An Chan Club

On this occasion, some activities of the project were held for members of two clubs to visit, learn and share experences together. For example, members of the two clubs had many opportunities in sharing actual results in Binh Dinh and Phu Yen. In addition, they also visited and learned experiences in the models of fattening cattle, reproductive cows and Go Tinh goat market in Phu Yen province.

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