Faculty of Fisheries

Thursday - 24/03/2016 15:24
Faculty of Fisheries
Faculty of Fisheries
Department of Aquaculture Division was original established in May 1994, belonged to Faculty of Animal Science. In 2005, Hue University has decided to establish the Faculty of Fisheries with the task of training the staff highly qualified to meet the fishery development demands in Vietnam and the Central region particularly.

Our research and training focuses on environment, reproduction, aquatic health, nutrition and feed, aquatic animal resources relating to strategies for sustainable aquaculture in Vietnam.

Since 1994, Faculty of Fisheries has over 2000 alumni. At the present, Faculty of Fisheries has over 1200 undergraduates, 20 master students.


Currently, the Faculty of Fisheries has four departments:

            Department of Basic Science in Aquaculture

            Department of Aquaculture

            Department of Fish Pathology

            Department of Aquatic Resources and Environmental Management

In addition, the Faculty of Fisheries also has one center for practicing and Phu Thuan Fisheries for extra practice for students

We have grown steadily over the last 20 years to our present size of more than 40 academic staffs holding different title and degrees (1 Associate professor, 7 PhD and 33 masters).


Faculty of Fisheries currently offers several programs for different degrees in Aquaculture, Aquatic animal Pathology, and Aquatic animal resources
3.1. Undergraduate

We offer 3 undergraduate specialization programs consisting of 

1.   Aquaculture

2.   Fish Pathology

3.   Aquatic Resources Management
3.2. Polytechnic Diploma

Currently, we offer one program of Polytechnic Diploma Degree.

Specialization: Aquaculture
Undergraduate program for Polytechnic Diploma Holders

For Polytechnic Diploma Holders, The faculty offers 1 transfer Undergraduate program with specialization: Aquaculture
3.3. Master

The Faculty of Fisheries offers 2 year- Master program in Aquaculture.
At the moment, Faculty of Fisheries has been prepared for offering the PhD program in Aquaculture.
Continuing professional Development

We regularly offer a wide range of aquaculture-related training courses for national participants, especially on:

1. Seed production and farming of freshwater and marine water species

2. Mollusk Farming

3. Integrated culture/ Polyculture  

4. Aquatic animal health management

In recent years (2010-2015), Faculty of Fisheries has conducted more than 150 studies in different fields and pulished a large number of scientific papers. Furthermore, our researches have also been funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and The Ministry of Science and Technology to carry out successful studies on applied biotechnology in artificial reproduction and fish disease management in aquaculture.

The results of recent studies on the endocrine of fish provide scientific data for completing the artificial reproduction of economic species in Central Vietnam. Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus), banana shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus), Day fish (Ciprinus centralus) have been successful artificial reproduced at the Faculty Hatcheries supplying more fingerlings in order to contribute the diversity of farmed species in sustainable development of aquaculture in Central Vietnam.

Especially, Trau Bokashi which has been studied by our staff has been widely applied in the treatment and prevention of bacterial shrimp disease in Vietnam. This product has been awarded National prize and has been commercially marketed.

The Faculty has been creating a positive environment to promote high quality teaching and research activities. Providing the staff with some expenses on participating in conferences and workshops. The faculty pays a great attention to the professional development of our staff, aiming at the high quality and prestige. At the moment, 12 members of the Faculty are training for PhD in Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Germany.
We also encourage our staff to take part in scientific research and publication of their work, apply active teaching methodologies, and train the students to become skilled engineers in Aquaculture and Fisheries

6.1. National Cooperation

Faculty of Fisheries has established partnership with many universities and institution nationally such as Can Tho University, Nha Trang University, National School of Agricuture, Research Institute of Aquacuture I, II, III, Institute of Oceanography, Departments of Agricuture and Rural Development, Department of Science and Technology in Central of Viet Nam;
Since 2009, Faculty of Fisheries has maintained collaborations with private sections, offering many internship opportunities to third year student, upgrade the education quality. Therefor, 90% elite graduates with successful careers with national standards will be the target.

6.2. International Cooperation

In the recent years, the impressive development of Faculty considerably contributes to the enhancement of its international affairs. The University has established partnership with many universities and institutions internationally. The international scientific research activities are growing encouragingly, with several scientific projects funded by our foreign partners, such as Nippon University of Life Science (Japan); University of Ghent (Belgium); University of Wageningen, (The Netherland); University of Stirling (United Kingdom); University of Ryukyus (Japan). Besides, the Faculty has carried out many positive and high value studies with Bechmark Animal Health Limited Company (England); Aquacity Limited Company (Japan).

We have diverse interests in all aspects of research on Fisheries and Aquaculture with active sub-groups focused on socio-economic aspects such as food production, financial gain, ecological quality, aesthetic value and human livelihood and biodiversity.

Granting awards to high quality R&D accomplishments, Vietnam General Labor Federation awarded "creative labor" and dozens of scientific research, technical solutions are awarded national prizes.

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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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