Faculty of Engineering and Food Technology

Thursday - 24/03/2016 15:34
Faculty of Engineering and Food Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Food Technology
The Faculty of Engineering and Food Technology was established in 1999 based on the Department of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering and Department of Postharvest Technology. Currently, the Faculty consists of six departments as Mechanical Engineering, Control Engineering and Automation, Civil Engineering, Postharvest Technology, Food Technology and Food Quality Management. There are many Laboratories serving six major courses in undergraduate programs including Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Rural Construction, Infrastructure Engineering, Postharvest Technology, Food Technology and two major courses in master programs including Mechanical Engineering and Food Technology. The Faculty has contributed significantly to the industrialization and modernization process in Middle of Vietnam and Central Highlands.
Contact Address

Faculty of Engineering and Food Technology

Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry

No. 102 Phung Hung street, Hue city, Vietnam 
Tel: (+84) 054.3514294

Fax: +84.054.3524923


Dr. Nguyen Van Toan


Dr. Nguyen Van Hue

Vice-Dean for Training and Student Affairs 

Dr. Pham Viet Hung

Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation 

Dr. Do Minh Cuong

Chair of Labour Union

M.E. Vo Cong Anh

Chair of HCM Communist Youth Union

Ms. Le Thi Quynh Huong

Assistant for Training

Ms. Nguyen Quoc Sinh

Assistant for Research and and International Cooperation

Head of Departments

Ms. Le Thanh Long

Department of Food Technology

Dr. Nguyen Duc Chung

Department of Postharvest Technology

Dr. Nguyen Hien Trang

Department of Food Quality Management

Dr. Do Minh Cuong

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Nguyen Quang Lich

Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Khuong Anh Son

Department of Control Engineering – Automation


Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Rural Construction

Infrastructure Engineering

Food Technology

Postharvest Technology


Master Programs

Mechanical Engineering

Food Technology

Food safety:

  •  Research on food technology, food quality management and food hygiene (shrimp fermentation, fermented meats, sausages, fish sauce, soy sauce...);

  •  Detection and analysis of pathogenic microorganisms in food products;

  •  Investigate and propose solutions to ensure the safety of food products in local area.

 Food processing and preservation:

  •  Extraction, identified bioactive from plant extracts and application of functional food production;

  •  Research regulating ethylene biosynthesis process and the application of preservation for fresh fruits and vegetables;

  •  Research packaging film with high biological activity and application;

Post-harvest technology : 

  • Research and development of techniques to reduce losses and improve the quality of agricultural products in post-harvest stage (like watermelon, cassava, rice, corn, bamboo shoots)

  • Research preservation technology and processing of agricultural products of high value and Central Highlands (such as banana, avocado, bamboo shoots, ginger ..)

Mechanical Engineering

  • Application on cultivation/storage and processing and preservation of agricultural products

  • Engine assessment

  •  Control engineering and automation: Solar panel, hybrid-electric bicycle

  • Renewable energy: solar, windy…

Civil Engineeing

  • Asphalt pavement/ building/bridge structural assessment and maintenance

  • Reseach on storm and flood-resistant structures in rural areas, climate change

  • Corrosion caused damages


Almost lecturers have been graduated from developed countries as Japan, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Netherland, China, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Thailand,…
Total lecturer/researcher and staff: 49 (44 lecturers/researchers and 5 assistants)

12 Professors and Doctors

02 PhD students

32 M.S and M.E

03 B.Sc.


Collaborative Relations in training and exchange programs with universities in Vietnam and other countries in the world as Japan, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Netherland, China, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Thailand

National Technological Creation Competition

Provincial Technoligical Creation Competition

University Award

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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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