Sunday - 24/04/2016 10:36
1. Full name: NGUYEN XUAN BA
2. Date of birth: July 6th, 1961 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title: Assoc. Prof.  
Degree: PhD Year of graduation: 2006
5. Working position: Dean, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Head of Department of Animal Husbandry;
Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF)
6. Home address: 39 A2, 98 Trieu Quang Phuc, Hue City
7. Mobile phone: 0913411708 Email:
8. Fax: 054 3524923
9. Office: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
Name of leader of office: Assoc .Prof. Le Van An
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung Street, Hue City, Vietnam
Phone: 054 3525439
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Doctor Course Hue University Animal Science 2006
Master Course Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Animal Science 1996
Bachelor Agriculture University No2, Ha Bac Animal sciences 1985
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 1985 1986 Hue University of Agriculture N0: 2 Assistant lecturer
2 1986 1988 Vietnamese Military Solder
3 1988 2001 Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Lecturer
4 2001 2010 Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Senior Lecturer
5 2010 Now Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Ass/Prof. Senior Lecturer
6 2015 Now Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Dean of faculty
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Titles Name of journals/articles Authors Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Cattle production in central Vietnam ACIAR proceedings Nguyen Kim Duong, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Hoang Manh Quan English 1995 No: 68
2 Result of research rice straw treated by urea for cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Đuc Ngoan and Le Khac Huy Vietnamese 1996 5: 211-213.
3 Using hard mineral block supplement for dairy cow in Thanh Loc, Da Nang province Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology, Viet Nam. Nguyen Minh Hoan, Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 1997  
4 Effects of rearing levels on digestibility and nitrogen balance of growing buffalo Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 1999  
5 Measure rumen microbial protein by urinary purin in Vietnamese buffalo Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology, Viet Nam Le Đuc Ngoan, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Vo Thi Km Thanh Vietnamese 2000 10: 437-438
6 Evaluation nutrient value of some unconventional trees/plants as ruminant feeds in Central Viet Nam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba and Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 2002 12: 1089-1090
7 Evaluation of some unconventional trees/plants as ruminant feeds in Central Vietnam In: Proceedings National Workshop - Seminar on Sustainable Livestock Production on Local Feed Resources, 25 - 27 March 2003. Hue city, Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Ba and Le Duc Ngoan English   21-26
8 Some result of research using mulberry (Morus alba) as ruminant feed Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang and Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 2004 5: 643-646
9 Effects of mulberry leaf silages on feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and NH3-N concentration in rumen fluid of goat Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang and Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 2004 6: 863-864
10 Effects of different additives on the quality of mulberry leaf silage as ruminant feed Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang and Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 2004 7: 990-991
11 Results of research using hibiscus (Hibscus rose sinenss L) as goat feed Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang and Le Đuc Ngoan Vietnamese 2004 9: 1199-1201
12 Nutrient values of hibiscus (Hibscus rose sinenss L) leaf silages and effects of its levels on feed ntake, digestibility and nitrogen balance in growing sheep Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Đuc Ngoan and Vu Chi Cuong Vietnamese 2004 11: 1513-1515
13 Ensiling of mulberry foliage (Morus alba) and the nutritive value of mulberry foliage silage for goats in central Vietnam In: Proceedings National Workshop - Seminar on Sustainable Livestock Production on Local Feed Resources, 23-25 May 2005. Can Tho city, Vietnam. Livestock Research for Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang and Le Duc Ngoan English 2005 3 (17)
14 The nutritive value of Hibiscus rosa sinensis silage and the effect of supplement levels on feed intake, digestibility, N-retention and rumen environment of sheep and goats In: Proceedings National Workshop - Seminar on Sustainable Livestock Production on Local Feed Resources, 23-25 May 2005. Can Tho city, Vietnam. Livestock Research for Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Ba, Vu Duy Giang, Le Duc Ngoan and Vu Chi Cuong English 2005  
15 Feed resources for cattle in Quang Ngai, south central Vietnam Proceedings of AHAT/BSAS International conference: Integrating systems to meet the challenges of globalisation Ba NX, Ngoan LD, Gloag CM, Doyle PT English 2005 2,(4)
16 Nutritive characteristics of feeds for cattle in central Vietnam. Proceedings of AHAT/BSAS International conference: Integrating systems to meet the challenges of globalisation Ba NX, Van NH, Hang DT, Ngoan LD, Gloag CM, Doyle PT English 2005 2, (3)
17 Possible associative effects between feeds when lactating dairy cows on a hay ration are fed grain Proceedings of AHAT/BSAS International conference: Integrating systems to meet the challenges of globalisation Gloag CM, Heard JW, Ba NX, Doyle PT English 2005  2; (123)
18 The nutritive value of mulberry leaf (Morus alba) and effects of partly replacement of cooton seed with frish mulberry leaf in rations on performance of growing cattle in North of Vietnam Proceedings of AHAT/BSAS International conference: Integrating systems to meet the challenges of globalisation Cuong, V.C., A.C. Baynen, N.X. Ba and  P. K. Cuong English 2005 2, (37)
19 Cassava bagasse silage can be used as a supplement for cattle fed rice straw XIIth AAAP Animal Science Congress 2006, Congress Proceedings - Abstracts pp. 671, Hosted by Korean Society of Animal Science & Technology, Federation of Korean Societies of Animal Science in Busan Korea Ba NX, Van NH, Ngoan LD, Leddin CM, Doyle PT English 2006  
20 Results of research using feed supplement for beef cattle in central Viet nam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Đuc Ngoan, Nguyen Huu Van, Peter Doyle and Clare Leddin Vietnamese 2007 4: 15-18
21 Effecs of THI on physiology of Laisind cattle in Thua Thien Hue province Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Le Van Phuoc, Le Đuc Ngoan and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 2007 5: 46-48
22 Amount of cassava powder fed as a supplement affects feed intake and live weight gain in Laisind cattle in Vietnam Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science Ba, Nguyen Xuan, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Duc Ngoan, Clare M. Leddin & Peter T. Doyle English 2008 21: 1143-1150
23 Effects of amount of concentrate supplement on forage intake, diet digestibility and live weight gain in yellow cattle in Vietnam Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science Ba, Nguyen Xuan, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Duc Ngoan, Clare M. Leddin & Peter T. Doyle English 2008 21: 1736-1744
24 Understanding interactions between forages and concentrates is important for formulating feeding strategies for grwing cattle in central Vietnam Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture P.T. Doyle, C.R. Stockdale, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van and Le Duc Ngoan English 2008 48: 821-824
25 Effects of some factors on the use of agricultural by-products for ruminants in Quang Ngai province Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Dinh Phung, Le Van Phuoc, Dinh Van Dung, Nguyen Huu Nguyen and Bui Quang Tuan Vietnamese 2008 46: 17-25
26 The effect of supplement levels of cassava baggase silage on feed intake, digestibility and pH, N-NH3 content in rumen fluid of sheep fed rice straw Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Hai Quan and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 2008 46: 97-105
27 Evaluation of nutritive values of ensiled cassava baggase as feed for ruminants Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Bui van Loi Vietnamese 2008 46: 129-135
28 Effects of the mixed system of calf stimulation and restricted suckling on milk production and health of cows and on the performance of the calves at small dairy farms in central Vietnam In: Proceedings of Regional Conference “Matching Livestock Systems with Available Resources”, 25-28 November 2007. Halong city, Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van and Nguyen Kim Duong English 2008 199-204
29 The Primary results of using cassava bagasse for fattening cattle Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van and Le Duc Ngoan Vietnamese 2008 49: 5-11
30 Current status of beef cattle production in Quang Tri province Journal Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Tien Von, Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Ta Nhan Ai and Duong Thi Huong Vietnamese   3: 72-75
31 Effects of protein sources in mix concentrate on feed intake, digestibility and liveweight gain of beef cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Dinh Van Dung and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 2009 5: 51-54
32 Status and solution development beef cattle production in household in Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province Journal of Science, Hue University Hoang Manh Quan, Le Đinh Phung and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 2009 52: 117-126
33 An assessment of the growth of local and crossbred cattle population presently raised in Quang Tri province Journal animal Sciences and Technology. Viet Nam Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Tien Von, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Ta Nhan Ai Vietnamese 2009 21: 14-19
34 Effect of crude protein in concentrate on diet digestability, nitrogen retension, pH and NH3 –N concentration in rumen fluid of Vietnames Yellow Cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Viet Nam Dinh Van Dung, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Dinh Phung, Hoang Thi Ngoc Diep and Vu Chi Cuong Vietnamese   9: 53-58
35 Effect of crude protein levels in concentrate on meat yield and quality of Vietnamese Yellow Cattle Journal of Animal Science and Technology. Nguyen Xuan Ba, Dinh Van Dung, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Dinh Phung, Le Duc Ngoan and Vu Chi Cuong Vietnamese 2010 11: 22-27
36 Effects of amount of concentrate supplement on live weight gain and meat quality of Vietnamese Yellow cattle Journal animal Sciences and Technology Nguyen Xuan Ba, Dinh van Dung, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Dinh Phung, Le Duc Ngoan and Vu Chi Cuong Vietnamese 2010 27: 37-44
37 The influence of temperature humidty index (THI) on clinically physiological indexes of sheep raised in Thua Thien Hue province Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Bui Van Loi, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Đuc Ngoan, Le Van Phuoc, Nguyen Huu Van, Tran Phuoc Đong Vietnamese 2011 2: 88-94
38 Parasitic infection situation of sheep keft in Thuy An animal research centre and the efficiency of different deworming medicines Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Thi Nga, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Bui Van Loi Vietnamese 2011 67: 69-77
39 Study on utilization of high protein concentrates for Brahman cross beef during fattening period Journal of Science, Hue University, Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Huu Nguyen and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vietnamese 2012 71: 307-319
40 Effects of concentrate levels on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance and rumen characteristics Vietnamese Yellow cattle Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Dinh van Dung, Le Dinh Phung, Le Duc Ngoan and Vu Chi Cuong Vietnamese 2012 3: 46-53
41 Evaluation of a Nutrition Model in Predicting Performance of Vietnamese Cattle Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science David Parsons, Nguyen Huu Van, Aduli E. O. Malau-Aduli, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Dinh Phung, Peter A. Lane, Le Duc Ngoan and Luis O. Tedeschi English 2012 25: 1237-1247
42 The evaluation of nutritive value of certain types of forages for sheep in Thua THien Hue Journal of animal Husbandry  Sciences and Technics (JAHST) Bui Van Loi, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Dinh Van Dung and Le Duc Ngoan Vietnamese 2012 10: 63-68
43 Systems of cattle production in South Central Coastal Vietnam Livestock Research for Rural Development Parsons D,  PA Lane, LD Ngoan,  NX Ba, DT Tuan,  NH Van, DV Dung,  LD Phung English 2013 25 (No: 2)
44 Evaluation of biomass yield and chemical composition of cultivated forages in South Central Coastal Journal of animal Husbandry  Sciences and Technics (JAHST) Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Duong Tri Tuan, Le Duc Ngoan, Joshua Scandrett, Peter Lane and David Parsons English 2013 2: 56-65
45 Evaluation of growth and reproductive performance of Phan Rang sheeps  in Thua Thien Hue Journal of animal Husbandry  Sciences and Technics (JAHST) Bui Van Loi, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van and Le Duc Ngoan Vietnamese 2013 8: 65-74
46 Feeding systems for fattening cattle on smallholder farms in Central Vietnam Livestock Research for Rural Development D V Dung, W Yao, N X Ba and H Kalhoro English 2013 Vol 25; No: 8, August
47 Practice on improving fattening local cattle production in Vietnam by increasing crude protein level in concentrate and concentrate level Tropical Animal Health and Production Journal (ISSN 0049-4747) Dinh Van Dung & Nguyen Xuan Ba & Nguyen Huu Van & Le Dinh Phung & Le Duc Ngoan & Vu Chi Cuong &Wen Yao English 2013 45: 1619-1626
48 Forages improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers with beef cattle in south central coastal Vietnam In proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress: Sydney, Australia: 15-19 September 2013 “REVITALISING GRASSLANDS TO SUSTAIN OUR COMMUNITIES” Nguyen Xuan Ba, Peter A Lane, David Parsons, Nguyen Huu Van, Ho Le Phi Khanh, Jeff P Corfield and Duong Tri Tuan English 2013 3: 1736-1739
49 Survey on the current cattle rearing methods in hilly areas of Quang Tri province Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Tien Von and Nguyen Xuan Ba Vienamese 2014 89:  199-210
50 An assessment on potentials for intensive cattle production in 3 communes representing for the hilly areas of Quang Tri province Journal of Science, Hue University Nguyen Tien Von, Nguyen Xuan Ba và Nguyen Huu Van Vienamese 2014 89: 211-220
51 Effects of offering cultivated grass ad libitum and concentrate mixture on live weight gain of fattening cattle and economic efficiency Journal of Science, Hue University, Nguyen Tien Von, Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Hoang Thi Mai Vienamese 2014 89: 221-229
52 Improved forage varieties for smallholder cattle farmers in South Central Coastal Vietnam Liverstock research for Rural Develpoment N X Ba, N H Van, J Scandrett1, L V Vy, H V Tung, N T Nghi, D T Tuan, P Lane and D Parsons English 2014 2 (9)
53 Productive Performance, Rumen Volatile Fatty Acid Profile and Plasma Metabolites of Concentrate-Supplemented Bach Thao Goats in Vietnam Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances N.H. Quan, P.A. Lane, N.H. Van, D. Parsons, N.X. Ba and A.E.O. Malau-Aduli English 2014 13:1173-1178
54 Testing biomass and nutrient yields, and their fitness to large-field-farming system, of various grasses in Quang Tri province Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Tien Von and Nguyen Huu Van Vietnamese 2015 4: 41-49
55 Cow-calf production systems in households in South Central Coastal Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Ba, Dinh Van Dung, Nguyen Thi Mui, Nguyen Huu Van, Pham Hong Son, Hoang Thi Mai, Tran Thanh Hai, Rowan Smith, David Parsons and Jeff Corfield Vietnamese 2015 11: 109-117
56 Effect of concentrate supplementation on nutrient digestibility and growth of Brahman crossbred cattle fed a basal diet of grass and rice straw Journal of Animal Science and Technology Do Van Quang, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Peter T. Doyle, Dau Van Hai, Peter A. Lane, Aduli EO Malau-Aduli, Nguyen Huu Van and David Parsons English 2015 57:35 DOI 10.1186/s40781-015-0068-y
57 Impact of Forage Fertilization with Urea and Composted Cattle Manure on Soil Fertility in Sandy Soils of South-Central Vietnam International Journal of Agronomy Keenan C. McRoberts, Quirine M. Ketterings, David Parsons, Tran Thanh Hai, Nguyen Hai Quan, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Charles F. Nicholson, Debbie J. R. Cherney English 2016 Article ID 4709024
Books and booklets
1 Basic Animal production textbook Hue University Publishing house. Viet nam Nguyen Đuc Hung, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Phung Thang Long Vietnamese 2006  
2 Feed for ruminants in household Central Viet Nam Agriculture Publishing house. Viet Nam Le Đuc Ngoan, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Nguyen Huu Van Vietnamese 2007  
3 Feed and Nutrition for Cattle Agriculture Publishing house. Viet Nam Vu Duy Giang, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Duc Ngoan, Nguyen Xuan Trach, Vu Chi Cuong and Nguyen Huu Van Vietnamese 2008  
4 Improved beef production in Central Vietnam In Beef production in crop-livestock systems: simple approaches for complex problems Clare Leddin, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Le Duc Ngoan and Peter Doyle English 2011  
5 Building capacity for cattle production in Dong Giang District, Quang Nam province, Vietnam In Beef production in crop-livestock systems: simple approaches for complex problems Nguyen Xuan Ba, Le Ngoc Tung, Le Duc Ngoan and Peter Doyle English 2011 No. 145: 109-124
6 Handbook of cattle production in highland   Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Trach Vietnamese    
7 Crop and cattle production systems in South –central coastal Vietnam In: Sustainable and profitable crop and livestock system  in South –central coastal Vietnam, ACIAR proceeding, Hoang Thi Thai Hoa, Nguyen Xuan Ba and Robert Summers English 2015 143: 10-19
8 Improved forage cultivars for smallholder cattle farmers in South –central coastal Vietnam In: Sustainable and profitable crop and livestock system  in South –central coastal Vietnam, ACIAR proceeding Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van, David Parsons and Peter Lane English 2015 143: 188-196
9 Cattle production in South –central coastal Vietnam In: Sustainable and profitable crop and livestock system  in South –central coastal Vietnam, ACIAR proceeding Nguyen Huu Van, Nguyen Xuan Ba, David Parsons, Do Van Quang and Peter Lane English 2015 143: 197-207
10 The best –bet participatory approach and its impact on smallholder livelihoods In: Sustainable and profitable crop and livestock system  in South –central coastal Vietnam, ACIAR proceeding Ho Le Phi Khanh, Jeff Corfield, Nguyen Xuan Ba and David Parsons English 2015 143: 208-218
13. Quantity of certificates(If possible)
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
Clean and sustainable chicken development based on available feed resources in Nghe An Province (2011-2012)
Developing productive and profitable smallholder beef enterprises in Central Vietnam -LPS/2012/062 (2014-2018)
Research on solutions for prevention and set up model of free Food and Mouth diseases (FMD) and Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) on Animals in Hatinh province (2015-2017)
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)

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