Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperations

Friday - 25/03/2016 16:04
Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperations
Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperations
Tel:  84-54-3525049, Fax: 84-54-3524923

Head: Dr. Pham Huu Ty

Vice Head: Dr. Nguyen Ho Lam

Staffs: 05

Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation is formerly the Department of Education and Science, belonging to Agricultural University No.2 in Ha Bac province, founded in 1967.

In 1972, the Department of Education and Science was divided into independent departments. The section of Scientific Management remained as the Department of Science Management and Library.

In 1984, the Department of Science Managment was renamed as the Department of Science Management and International Cooperation. 
In 1994, the Library section was seperated and become an independent department. Since 2001, the Department of Science Management and International Cooperation has been merged with post graduate training management. On the 18th of December 2008, the President of Hue University signed decision 1094/QĐ-ĐHH-TCNS renaming the department as the Department of Science, Technology, International Cooperation and Post Graduate Training.

On the 15th of December 2009, the President of Hue University signed resolution 1198/QĐ-ĐHH-TCNS dividing the department into two independent departments: the Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation and the Department of Post Graduate Training.

Period Head Vice Head   
1967 - 1972 Nguyen Van Lac Cao Xuan Vong 
1972 - 1978 Le Viet Ly Tran Long  
1978 - 1982   Tran Long Dang Vu Binh  
1982 - 1997 Tran Xuan Lac Tran Thanh Vinh (from 1990 - 1992)  
1997 - 1998 Nguyen Tien Von  
Le Van An 
1998 - 2001 Le Duc Ngoan Nguyen Thi Thanh 
2001 - 2006 Le Van An Nguyen Thi Thanh 
2007 - 2009 Phung Thang Long Nguyen Thi Thanh   
2010 - 2013 Phung Thang Long Le Dinh Phung  
2013 - 2014 Le Dinh Phung Le Nhu Cuong  
2014 – 8/2015 Ho Trung Thong Nguyen Ho LAM  
8/2015 – 11/2015 Nguyen Ho LAM (on behalf of the Dean)    
From 12/2015 Pham Huu TY Nguyen Ho LAM  


 2.1. Functions

The main function of the Department is to be a counsellor for Mr. Rector and to be responsible for organising and managing the scientific, technological, international and intellectual property activities of the University. 

2.2. Tasks
  • Working with faculties and functional departments to expand international cooperation in terms of training and education, research and technology transfer.
  • To act as a counsellor for Mr. Rector  to sign documents of international cooperation.
  • Managing international programes and projects.
  • Connecting and maintaining cooperation with partners; providing partners’ information (address, email, post cards) for the Department of Administration who is responsile for sending letters and post cards on occasions of celebrations such as: the New Year Eve, Festivals, National Holidays, etc.
  • Working with faculties and functional departments to make procedures for incoming and outgoing guests meeting Vietnamese laws; to be responsible for obtaining passport and visa for the Rector board (if required).
  • Welcoming and working with international guests according to Vietnamese laws.
  • Being responsibile for organising international conferences, workshops and seminars which are held by the University.
  • Keeping documents of international cooperation activities for references .
  • Being responsibile for sending greeting cards to international partners.

The university has been co-operating widely with international institutions/universities in terms of education, training, research and technology transfer. The main partners are Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), Kyoto University (Japan), Okayama University (Japan), Nippon University of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (Japan), Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan), Obihiro University (Japan), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Wageningen University and Research Centers (The Netherlands), Czech University of Life Science Prague (Czech Republic), Siena University (Italia), Kasetsart University (Thailand), Maejo University (Thailand), Georgia (The U.S), Laos National University (Laos), Cambodian Royal Agricultural University (Cambodia), University of Southern Taiwan (Taiwan), Rosa Research Institute (Luxemburg), Greifswald University (Germany) and international organisations such as IDRC, SIDA, SAREC, AIT, IRRI, CIP, ICCO, JICA, WB, ADB, Helvetas, Tropenbos, ICRAF, ACIAR and so on.

International co-operative activities have provided numerous training opportunities for the staff and improved the capacity of the university in teaching and research as well as the reputation and position of the university in the country and the region.

Some achievements in the period of 2011 – 2015 are signing 13 MOUs and Cooperation Agreements with international organizations and universities such as Maejo University - Thailand, National Ocean Taiwan University - Taiwan, Yunan Agricultural University – China, Miyagi University – Japan; building and enhancing international student and staff exchange with international partners such as Kyoto University, Ubon Ratchathani University and Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, University of Gottingen – Germany; Conducting graduate training for Lao universities; Conducting international cooperation projects: “Developing productive, sustainable and profitable smallholder beef enterprises in Center Vietnam – LSP/2012/062 – ACIAR”, “Supporting the integration in Agricultural Curricula of Climate Change concerns at Universities of Agriculture in Vietnam – ACCCU”, Profession Oriented Higher Education – POHE.

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HUAF tries its best to become as the prestigious university. Additionally, HUAF always makes great efforts in training to provide localities and enterprises with qualified human resources. It is highly appreciated as a good center in science and technology to contribute the development of socio- economics to the whole country in integration tendency.

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