Friday - 01/07/2016 15:00
1. Full name: Nguyen Vinh Truong CV Nguyen Vinh Truong
2. Date of birth: 03 July, 1965 3. Sex: Male
4. Academic title: Associate Professor  
Degree:  PhD Year of graduation: 2008
5. Working position: Head of Plant Protection  
6. Home address: 362 Chi Lang street, Hue City, Vietnam
7. Mobile phone: 0168 4389 175 Email:
8. Fax: 84.54.824923
9. Office:
Name of leader of office: A/Prof. Le Van An
Address of working place:  102 Phung Hung street, Hue City, Vietnam
Phone: 84.54.3538289
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Post Doc University of Tennessee (USA) Phytophthora 5/2011
PhD University of Sydney (Australia) Plant Pathology 2008
Certificate University of Sassari (Italy) Fusarium 3/2003
MScAgr University of Philippines Los Banos (Phil) Agronomy,
Plant Pathology
B.A School of teachers’ training of Hue University (Viet Nam) English 1996
BScAgr Nong Lam University (Viet Nam) Crop production 1988
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 15/6/1988 1991 Institue of Agricuture Science for Southern Vietnam Researhcers
2 20/5/1991 05/1996 Subdepartment of Thua Thien Hue production and Plant Protection Specialist
3 16/2/1996 02/2008 University of Agriculture and Forestry Lecture
4 02/2008 02/2010 University of Agriculture and Forestry Senior Lecture
5 22/02/2010 02/2015 University of Agriculture and Forestry Vice Dean, Head of Plant Protection Depatment
6 01/02/2015 2016 University of Agriculture and Forestry Head of Plant Protection Depatment
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Science and Technology  Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 3+4 National Journal Vietnamese 2016 36-43
2 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 261 National Journal Vietnamese 2016 47-52
3 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 265 National Journal Vietnamese 2016 50-56
4 Science and Technology  Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 4 National Journal Vietnamese 2015 96-105
5 Science and Technology  Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 4 National Journal Vietnamese 2015 106-112
6 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 259 National Journal Vietnamese 2015 6-13
7 Journal of Nanomaterials ISI English 2015  
8 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 253 National Journal Vietnamese 2014 32-38
9 Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 4 National Journal Vietnamese 2014 82-91
10 Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 22 National Journal Vietnamese 2013 25-30
11 Hanoi Agricultural publisher National Journal Vietnamese 2013  
12 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 246 National Journal Vietnamese 2012 13-18
13 Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development  10 National Journal Vietnamese 2012 21-26
14 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 244 National Journal Vietnamese 2012 31-33
15 Australasian Plant Pathology 41 SCIE English 2012 439-447
16 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 243 National Journal Vietnamese 2012 23-25
17 Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 3 National Journal Vietnamese 2012 147-151
18 Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 45 ISI English 2012  
19 Oomycetes Molecular Genetics Network Meeting 13-15 Mar International Conference English 2011  
20 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 237: 20-23 National Journal Vietnamese 2011 20-23
21 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 234 National Journal Vietnamese 2010 23-26
22 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 229 National Journal Vietnamese 2010 26-30
23 Fungal Biology. 114 SCI English 2010 160-170
24 Journal of plant Pathology 90 (2, supplemement) ISI English 2008 424
25 The 7th National Conference of Vietnamese Phytopathological Society from 18 – 19 Oct National Conference Vietnamese 2008 56-60
26 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 4 National Journal Vietnamese 2008 13-16
27 Australasian Plant Pathology 37 SCIE English 2008 431-442
28 Australasian Plant Pathology Society International Conference English 2007 113
29 Vietnam Journal of Plant Protection 207 National Journal Vietnamese 2006 14-18
13. Certificates(If possible)
1. Management of pesticide - Centre of Plant Protection in Central Region
2. Integrated Pest Management- FAO
3. Diagnostic of plant pathogen - University of Sydney
4. English - UPLB
5. Identification of Fusarium species - Sassari University
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
1. Baiting and monitoring propagules of pathogen causing Phytophthora foot rot of black pepper in soil
2. Integrated management processe of quick death and die slow death disease of  black pepper
3. Integrated management processe of bacterial wilt disease of  ginger
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
1. Research on selecting and breeding some varieties of root crops (taro, yam) have drought tolerance for production in the Central Coast and Central Highlands. National Project. 2008-2010.
2. Research on biological characteristics and genotype populations of Phytophthora capsici causing root rot of black pepper in Quang Tri. University project. 2010-2012.
3. Construction and delivery of integrated management processe to quick death and slow death disease of black pepper in Quang Tri. Province project 2011-2012.
16. Rewards (If possible)
- Fulbright, Visiting Scholar at Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee from 11/2010 to 5/2011
- Certificate of Achievement in Diagnostic Plant Pathology awarded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 2008
- In recognition of outstanding achievement awarded by the University of Sydney 2004 and 2005
- PhD Scholarship of Vietnamese Government Project on training in oversea 2004-2008
- Research Fellow of Sassari University (Italy) 2003
- MScAgr Scholarship of SEAMEO Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEAMEO-SEARCA) 1999-2002
17. Other achievements (If possible)
Baiting and monitoring propagules of pathogen causing Phytophthora foot rot of black pepper in soil - The third prize- Nationwide Technical Innovation Contest  2015 - Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations

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