Saturday - 02/07/2016 15:35

1. Full name: Nguyen Van Loi CV Nguyen Van Loi
2. Date of birth: July 13, 1966 3. Sex:Male
4. Academic title: Forestry  
Degree: PhD Year of graduation: 2008
5. Working position: Lecturer, Researcher and consultant  
6. Home address:  48 A3 Trieu Quang Phuc street, Hue city
7. Mobile phone:0986999132 Email:
8. Fax:
9. Office:
Name of leader of office: Le Van An
Address of working place: 102 Phung Hung street, Hue city
Phone: 054.3529137
Academic Training Places of training Specialization Graduated year
Bachelor Vietnam Forestry University Sylviculture 1988
Master Asian Institute of Technology ( AIT), Thailand GIS and Remote Sensing in Forestry 2000
PhD Institute of Geography, Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany GIS and Remote Sensing in Forestry 2008
No Time of beginning Time of ending Working places In charge of
1 1988 1999 Hue University of Agricultural and Forestry Lecturer and Researcher
2 1999 2000 Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand Master of Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry
3 2000 2004 Hue University of Agricultural and Forestry Lecturer and Researcher
4 2004 2008 Institute of Geography, Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany PhD of Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry
5 2008 Now Hue University of Agricultural and Forestry Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant
12. Publications
List of publications for 10 years
No Name of journals/articles/magazines Type of journals/articles/magazines Languages Year of publication Pages
1 Biological characteristics and distribution of Chua Khet (Dysoxylum cyrtobotryum Miq) in natural forests of Quang Binh province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2016  
2 Social impact assessment of the benefit sharing mechanism pilot in co-management of  special use forest in Vietnam: Case Study at Bach Ma National Park. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A & B & Hue University Journal of  Science English 2015 528-537
3 Status assessment, density and of distribution of Predator at Bach Ma National Park extension Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2015  
4 Use of GIS based species distribution modelling to build distribution map of Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) at Thua Thien Hue Saola Nature Reserve Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 239-246
5 Assessment of CO2 sequestration capacity of the natural forest types using remote sensing and GIS technology in Aluoi district of Thua Thien Hue province
Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2015 233-238
6 Study on effectives of some ecological factors to growth and increment of Erythrophloeum forddi in  Duc Pho district, Quang Ngai Province
Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2015 157-166
7 Application of GIS technology and remote sensing to build distribution zone map of the Gaur (Bos gaurus Smith, 1927) at Chu Mom Ray National Park in Kon Tum province
Science and Technology Journal of Vietnam Forestry University Vietnamese 2014 76-85
8 Application of the ALOS PALSAR radar image to estimate natural forest biomass in Thua Thien Hue province
Forest and Environment Journal of Science Vietnamese 2014 18-22
9 Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of Lansat 8 to assess impacs of benefit sharing machanism implemation activities to forest vegatation caver at Bach Ma National Park Forest and Environment Journal of Science Vietnamese
2014 7-11
10 Build  rattan distribution maps of Calamus walkeri and C.rhabdocladus using remote sensing and GIS technology in Nam Dong district of Thua Thien Hue province
Forest and Environment Journal of Science Vietnamese 2014 25-31
11 Application of GIS technology and remote sensing to build species distribution modelling of the Sao la (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) at the Quang Nam Saola Nature Reserve
Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2014 115-128
12 Application of remote and GIS technology to develop CO2 sequestration capacity map of timber trees in the natural forest types in Nam Dong District of Thua Thien Hue province.
Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2015 233-238
13 GIS-based decision support system for sustainable rattan development and management at Nam Dong protection forest management board in Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2013 107-112
14 GIS-based assessment of rattan production potential for sustainable management and harvesting at Nam Dong Watershed protection forest management board in Thua Thien Hue province Hue University Journal of Science English 2013 59-66
15 Study on the status and propose solutions to minimize the risk in implementing the benefit-sharing mechanism of water rattan species at Bach Ma National Park in Thuong Nhat commune, Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue province Vietnam Journal of Forest Science Vietnamese 2013 2670-2679
16 Application of GIS technology and remote sensing to build species distribution modelling of the Red shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus) at Bach ma national park extension in Nam dong district, Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2013 116- 123
17 Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of remote sensing image to assess the forest vegetation protection cover chages from 2005 to 2011 at Huong river watershed protection forest management board in Thua Thien Hue Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2013 103-110
18 GIS-based assessment of rattan production potential for sustainable management and harvesting at Nam Dong Watershed protection forest management Board in Thua Thien Hue province Hue University Journal of Science English 2013 59-66
19 Consulting communities on local livelihoods and natural resource use alternative solutions at impacted communes by establishment of the Saola landscape protected areas Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2013 189-200
20 Status assessment, density and distribution of primates at Bach Ma National Park extension, Thua Thien Hue province Hue University Journal of Science Vietnamese 2013 45-54
21 Status and propose solutions to minimize conflict on use of natural resources in implementing the benefit-sharing mechanism at Bach Ma National Park Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnameses 2013 94-101
22 Use of remote sensing and GIS technology in monitoring and assessing forest plantation at Phuson and Duong Hoa commune in Huong Thuy of Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2012 96-102
23 Application of GIS technology to develop distributive and risk maps of watter rattan species at Song Bo watershed protection forest management board in Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2012 152-156
24 Use of Landsat ETM + image and GIS technology for assessment of forest plantation status in Phong Dien District of Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2012 206-210
25 Development of a GIS- based decision support system for management and sustainable development of forest plantation in Huong Thuy district of Thua Thien Hue province Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2012 103-110
26 Use of AHP method, Remote Sensing and GIS technology in analysing land suitability to support for alternative land use in Huong Thuy district, Thua Thien Hue province. Science and technology journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vietnamese 2010 63-69
27 GIS-based assessment of land potential for forestry in Thua Thien Hue, Central Vietnam. Global Change Issue in Developing and Emerging Countries. Proceedings of the 2nd Göttingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days 2006, 4 th to 6th October, Göttingen, Germany English 2006 123-129
13. Certificates (If possible)
  • Agricultural extension and rural development by Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Thai land, February to March 2003
  • Management of development projects by Continuing Education Center, AIT, BangKok, Thailand August, 1997.
  • Rural development management by AITCV in Hue city, 5 July to 10 August, 1997.
  • PRA and rural development by CRD, August 1997.
  • Project monitoring and evaluation by SEARCA, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, September 1995.
  • Sustainable agriculture for uplands SEARCA, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, September to October 1995.
14. Application of scientific research works in reality (If possible)
  1. Study on the status and propose solutions to minimize the risk in implementing the benefit-sharing mechanism of water rattan species at Bach Ma National Park in Thuong Nhat commune, Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue province, 2013.
  2. GIS-based assessment of rattan production potential for sustainable management and harvesting at Nam Dong Watershed protection forest management Board in Thua Thien Hue province, 2013.
  3. Development of a GIS- based decision support system for management and sustainable development of forest plantation in Huong Thuy district of Thua Thien Hue province, 2012
  4. Use of GIS modelling, remote sensing and decision support system in assessing of forestry land potential for sustainable development of forest plantation, Thua Thien Hue province in 2011.
  5. Assessment of land potential for forestry in Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue in 1998.
  6. Community based land use plan development at Huong Van commune, Huong Tra district, Thua Thien Hue in 2002.
  7. Research and propose solutions to serve development of new rural model in Northern areas, Central Vietnam.
15. List of project titles hosted for 5 years (If possible)
  • Social impact assessment of the benefit sharing mechanism pilot in co-management of  special use forest in Vietnam: Case Study at Bach Ma National Park
  • Application of GIS technology and remote sensing to build species distribution modelling of THE Red shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus) at Bach ma national park extension in Nam dong district, Thua Thien Hue province
  • Application of remote and GIS technology to develop CO2 sequestration capacity map of timber trees in the natural forest types in Nam Dong District of Thua Thien Hue province
  • Status and propose solutions to minimize conflict on use of natural resources in implementing the benefit-sharing mechanism at Bach Ma National Park
  • GIS-based decision support system for sustainable rattan development and management at Nam Dong protection forest management board in Thua Thien Hue province
16. Rewards (If possible)
17. Other achievements (If possible)
 Key: CV, nguyenvanloi

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