Study the some technical methods for rice cultivation in saline soil at Duy Vinh district, Quang Nam province
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- For crop season: The most suitable transplanting times for the OM8104 salty tolerance variety is 22nd January in Winter–Spring, and May 30th and June 9th in Summer seasons on the effected saline soil of Quang Nam province, Vietnam. Grain yield was 9.1 tons/ha for both planting times in Winter-Spring season and in 4.4 tons/ha and 4.6 tons/ha in summer seasons, respectively.

1. General information
Project title:
Code number: DHH2013-02-31
Coordinator: Trinh Thi Sen
Implementing institution: Hue College of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University
Cooperating institution(s):
1) Mr. Vo Duc Lam, Agricultural cultivation of Duy Xuyen Cooperative, Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam Province.
2) Mrs. Hoang Thi Thai Hoa, Department of Soil and Fertilizer, Agronomy of Faculty, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.
3) Mr. Duong Minh Vien, Department of Soil Science, Agricultural Faculty, Can Tho University.
Duration: from the 1st December, 2012 to 1st December, 2014
2. Objectives
- To determine the suitable cropping for saline tolerance rice variety (OM8104)
- To determine the suitable potassium dose for saline tolerance rice variety (OM8104)
3. Creativeness and innovativeness
There are very few researches to determine crop season and potassium rate for the promising rice varieties in the saline soil at central Viet Nam and Quang Nam as well as. Therefore, this study has creativeness and innovativeness in theory and as facts.
4. Research results
Research study determined planting and potassium dose for the salty tolerance rice variety (OM8104) as follows:
- For crop season: The most suitable transplanting times for the OM8104 salty tolerance variety is 22nd January in Winter–Spring, and May 30th and June 9th in Summer seasons on the effected saline soil of Quang Nam province, Vietnam. Grain yield was 9.1 tons/ha for both planting times in Winter-Spring season and in 4.4 tons/ha and 4.6 tons/ha in summer seasons, respectively.
- Potassium dose: The most suitable potassium dose for the OM8104 saline tolerance variety in Winter - Spring and Summer seasons is 60 kg K2O/ha on the base of 100 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 + 8 tons/ha FYM in effected saline soil of Quang Nam province, that obtained the highest yield and economic efficiency, soil fertility improvement.
5. Products:
* Products of research
- The final report
- One scientific article: It was published in Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development.
* Products of education
- One master thesis
- Five graduated thesis of the crop science and agronomy branch
6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability
* Effects of research
- Education and training
+ The research is referent resource for fields as: crop science, agronomy, plant protection
+ Enhancing research capacity and application of lectures and students
+ Contributing on training for one Master student and four Engineers in crop Science and Agronomic fields.
- Economy and society
+ Improving economic on the saline soil of Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam.
+ Contributing in completing the rice production process on the saline soil of Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam.
* Transfer alternatives of research
To introduce result of the research through workshops, scientific report and articles, expansion system
* Applicability of research: The coastal areas of Duy Xuyen district and other areas have similar conditions and saline levels.