Identify the fingerling composition of fish species immigrating from the sea to the Tam Giang - Cau Hai - Thua Thien Hue and suggesting the appropriate exploitation methods
- Thursday - 31/03/2016 14:53
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The results of this study provided farmers the seasonal calendar of drifting fingerling from the sea into the lagoon of each fish species and the exploitative efficiency of each fishing gear in order to improve the quality of the seed.

1. General information
Project title: Identify the fingerling composition of fish species immigrating from the sea to the Tam Giang - Cau Hai - Thua Thien Hue and suggesting the appropriate exploitation methods,
Code number: DHH2013- 02-34.
Coordinator: Tran Thi Thu Suong. Tel.:0905857070
Implementing institution: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
Cooperating institution(s):.......................................................................................................
Duration: from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2014
2. Objective(s)
- Determine the composition of fish species immigrated from the sea in the Tam Giang - Cau Hai.
- Improve the efficiency of the use of immigrated fish species for aquaculture, and contributing to the natural fish resources management in the Tam Giang-Cau Hai.
3. Creativeness and innovativeness
Historically, all the studies mainly focused on the identification of fish species composition in the lagoon, however the composition of immigrated fish species has not been studied yet. The major results of this study were to catalog the list of immigrated fingerling of fish species from the sea to Tam Giang lagoon, identify the immigrated seasonal of these species and evaluate the efficiency of each exploitation methods in order to improve the exploitation methods of these species effectively for local people in the lagoon.
4. Research results
- Identify 79 fish species immigrating from the sea to the lagoon in which number of species of the Perciformes order was predominant.
- 18 of 79 species were used as fingerling sources in aquaculture in the lagoon such as Siganidae (3 species), spotted scat fish (ca Nau) (1 species), grouper (2 species), snapper (5 species), Indo-pacific tarpon (2 species), seabream (2 species) and mullet (3 species).
- The season of immigration of these species from the sea to the lagoon was mainly from April to December. The size of exploited fingerling was about 1-10cm, in which fingerling with the size of 1-2 cm was captured predominant by bottom net, fish corral and lift net. However, the mortality of fingerling, which exploited by bottom nest was highest (30%), was normally about 10-20%. By contrast, the mortality of fingerling that was exploited by fish coral was low and could be used in aquaculture. Furthermore, lift net and Chinese fish bottom trap were also used in Tamgiang lagoon but the amount of fingerlings that exploited from these methods was low.
- Generally, the local authorities of communes in and around lagoon such as Phu Thuan commune, Thuan An Town, Loc Binh and Vinh Hien commune has not managed strictly on exploitation of the natural resources in the lagoon. Local farmers have not been trained on the exploitation regulation in order to improve the natural resources management in the lagoon.
5. Products
Products of science:
- The catalogue of fingerling of fish species immigrated to the lagoon
- The season of immigrated fish from the sea to the lagoon.
- The efficiency of exploitation methods for catching fingerling in the lagoon.
- The appropriate fingerling exploitation methods.
Product of education:
- One paper in National Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development and 1 paper in Journal of hue University (in press)
- Four under-graduated projects.
6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability
- The results of this study provided farmers the seasonal calendar of drifting fingerling from the sea into the lagoon of each fish species and the exploitative efficiency of each fishing gear in order to improve the quality of the seed.
- Proposed the sensible exploitation solutions to help the management department protectthe fishery resources in the lagoon.
- The reseach results will be added into the Ichthyologist modules in the Aquaculture curriculum by the project leader.
- Transfer alternatives of research results: widelydissemination the research results to the farmers, the fisheries resources management department, Department of Aquaculture, The Agri-Forest and Fisheries Extension Center of Thua Thien Hue province.
Project title: Identify the fingerling composition of fish species immigrating from the sea to the Tam Giang - Cau Hai - Thua Thien Hue and suggesting the appropriate exploitation methods,
Code number: DHH2013- 02-34.
Coordinator: Tran Thi Thu Suong. Tel.:0905857070
Implementing institution: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
Cooperating institution(s):.......................................................................................................
Duration: from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2014
2. Objective(s)
- Determine the composition of fish species immigrated from the sea in the Tam Giang - Cau Hai.
- Improve the efficiency of the use of immigrated fish species for aquaculture, and contributing to the natural fish resources management in the Tam Giang-Cau Hai.
3. Creativeness and innovativeness
Historically, all the studies mainly focused on the identification of fish species composition in the lagoon, however the composition of immigrated fish species has not been studied yet. The major results of this study were to catalog the list of immigrated fingerling of fish species from the sea to Tam Giang lagoon, identify the immigrated seasonal of these species and evaluate the efficiency of each exploitation methods in order to improve the exploitation methods of these species effectively for local people in the lagoon.
4. Research results
- Identify 79 fish species immigrating from the sea to the lagoon in which number of species of the Perciformes order was predominant.
- 18 of 79 species were used as fingerling sources in aquaculture in the lagoon such as Siganidae (3 species), spotted scat fish (ca Nau) (1 species), grouper (2 species), snapper (5 species), Indo-pacific tarpon (2 species), seabream (2 species) and mullet (3 species).
- The season of immigration of these species from the sea to the lagoon was mainly from April to December. The size of exploited fingerling was about 1-10cm, in which fingerling with the size of 1-2 cm was captured predominant by bottom net, fish corral and lift net. However, the mortality of fingerling, which exploited by bottom nest was highest (30%), was normally about 10-20%. By contrast, the mortality of fingerling that was exploited by fish coral was low and could be used in aquaculture. Furthermore, lift net and Chinese fish bottom trap were also used in Tamgiang lagoon but the amount of fingerlings that exploited from these methods was low.
- Generally, the local authorities of communes in and around lagoon such as Phu Thuan commune, Thuan An Town, Loc Binh and Vinh Hien commune has not managed strictly on exploitation of the natural resources in the lagoon. Local farmers have not been trained on the exploitation regulation in order to improve the natural resources management in the lagoon.
5. Products
Products of science:
- The catalogue of fingerling of fish species immigrated to the lagoon
- The season of immigrated fish from the sea to the lagoon.
- The efficiency of exploitation methods for catching fingerling in the lagoon.
- The appropriate fingerling exploitation methods.
Product of education:
- One paper in National Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development and 1 paper in Journal of hue University (in press)
- Four under-graduated projects.
6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability
- The results of this study provided farmers the seasonal calendar of drifting fingerling from the sea into the lagoon of each fish species and the exploitative efficiency of each fishing gear in order to improve the quality of the seed.
- Proposed the sensible exploitation solutions to help the management department protectthe fishery resources in the lagoon.
- The reseach results will be added into the Ichthyologist modules in the Aquaculture curriculum by the project leader.
- Transfer alternatives of research results: widelydissemination the research results to the farmers, the fisheries resources management department, Department of Aquaculture, The Agri-Forest and Fisheries Extension Center of Thua Thien Hue province.