Assessing impact of climate change in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the response solutions
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Assessing tend of climate change and affecting of calamity types that causes by climate change to the development of eco-society, especially in sector of agricuture - forestry – fishery in DaiLoc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the response and mitigate solutions in the future.

1. General information
- Project title: Assessing impact of climate change in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the responsesolutions.
- Code number: DHH2014-02-55
- Coordinator: Dr. Nguyen Huu Ngu
Mobile phone: 0944948585. Email:
- Implementing institution: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
- Duration: 2014-2015
2. Objective(s)
2.1. General objective
Assessingtend of climate change and affecting of calamity types that causes by climate change to the development of eco-society, especially in sector of agricuture - forestry – fishery in DaiLoc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the response and mitigate solutions in the future.
2.2. Specific objective
- Assessing tend of climate change in duration of past 30 years;
- Assessingthe ability, response and mitigate solutions, which were implemented and evaluating the damage caused by natural disaster to agricutural producting activities;
- Building maps for vulnerable forcastingby the impact of climate change;
- Proposing solutions in order to response to climate change.
3. Creativeness and innovativeness
-Combine survey data and effectively exploit the development of the information technology to build the maps for vulnerable forcasting caused by climate change, contribute to supportlocal leaders make decision in management and planning in agricultural production.
- Confirming the priority fields and projects in order to implement with propose is to response and mitigate the damage that caused by clinate change.
4. Research results
- Identified the reason for flood is concentration of rainfall in rainy season. The flood has being affected to residents’ life. Because of variation of temperature, drought phenomenon occured more regularly with severe intensity, this causes the deficiency of water for paddy, decreasing in productivity of crops. Dai Lanh and Dai Thang commune were seriously affected.
- Found out the changing trend of temperature and rainfall in Dai Loc district in period of 1977 – 2013. The temperature increased gradually from January to June, July and it turns to decrease from August to December. The rainfall in June tended to decline significantly. And the rainfall in remaining months tends to increase, especially from August to December. October is the month with the largest increase in rainfall.
- Concluded that almost communes of Dai Loc district has high risk of flooded. Especially, communes such as Dai Tan, Dai Hoa, Dai Phong, Dai Hiep, Ai Nghia, Dai Quang, Dai Cuong, whose flooded area was very large if flooding level was in 0.5 meters. If flooding level is under the II alarming rate, 31.27% rice annual crops land might be flooded. If flooding level is above the II alarming rate but under the III alarming rate, 45.17% rice annual crops land might be flooded. And if flooding level is over the III alarming rate, 54.4% rice annual crops land will be flooded.
- Pointed out the extreme drought occured annually at Vu Gia and Thu Bon downstream communes such as Dai Hiep, Dai Hoa, Dai Minh and Ai Nghia. 25.93% (2398.5 hectares) of rice and annual crops is affected by extreme drought; 32% (2659.6 hectares) is in medium drought. This situation most appears in Ai Nghia, Dai Hiep, Dai Nghia, Dai Minh, Dai Cuong and Dai Quang.
- Identified annual erosion situation at several communes in Dai Loc district. Erosion hits continuously some communes which locates along the Vu Gia river, the most is Dai Hung, Dai Dong. Sedimentation is also increasing at 9 communes, especially at Dai Nghia, Dai Cuong.
- Proposed several solutions like building the forecast map of flood, drought, erosion; recommended priority sectors, activities and projects to help local government and people adapt reasonably to climate change, mitigate the damage to the lowest level.
5. Products
- Research final report
- 02 published articles in Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
- 01 published articles in Proceedings ofNational GIS conference.
Article 1: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn. Study on building drought risk map for agricultural production planning in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, ISSN 1859-4581, 2014, Number: 20, Page: 67-73.
Article 2: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn. study on building of flooding map by impact of climate change for sustainable land use planning in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, ISSN 1859-4581, 2014, Number: 22, Page: 71-77.
Article 3: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn, Nguyễn Phúc Khoa. Apply GIS for building risk maps by impact of climate change in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province. Proceedings of National GIS conference, 2014. Published by Can Tho University. Page: 668-676.
- 02 undergraduate and graduate students who were participated the research and after that defended successfully their thesis.
6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability
- Transfer the research results directly to Division of Resourses and Environment in Dai Loc district.
- Make reference documents for students, graduate students and fellows.
- Add to the curriculum, lesson on Master Planning and Land Use Planning.
- Scientific reports, articles in Journals.
- Project title: Assessing impact of climate change in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the responsesolutions.
- Code number: DHH2014-02-55
- Coordinator: Dr. Nguyen Huu Ngu
Mobile phone: 0944948585. Email:
- Implementing institution: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
- Duration: 2014-2015
2. Objective(s)
2.1. General objective
Assessingtend of climate change and affecting of calamity types that causes by climate change to the development of eco-society, especially in sector of agricuture - forestry – fishery in DaiLoc district, Quang Nam province and proposing the response and mitigate solutions in the future.
2.2. Specific objective
- Assessing tend of climate change in duration of past 30 years;
- Assessingthe ability, response and mitigate solutions, which were implemented and evaluating the damage caused by natural disaster to agricutural producting activities;
- Building maps for vulnerable forcastingby the impact of climate change;
- Proposing solutions in order to response to climate change.
3. Creativeness and innovativeness
-Combine survey data and effectively exploit the development of the information technology to build the maps for vulnerable forcasting caused by climate change, contribute to supportlocal leaders make decision in management and planning in agricultural production.
- Confirming the priority fields and projects in order to implement with propose is to response and mitigate the damage that caused by clinate change.
4. Research results
- Identified the reason for flood is concentration of rainfall in rainy season. The flood has being affected to residents’ life. Because of variation of temperature, drought phenomenon occured more regularly with severe intensity, this causes the deficiency of water for paddy, decreasing in productivity of crops. Dai Lanh and Dai Thang commune were seriously affected.
- Found out the changing trend of temperature and rainfall in Dai Loc district in period of 1977 – 2013. The temperature increased gradually from January to June, July and it turns to decrease from August to December. The rainfall in June tended to decline significantly. And the rainfall in remaining months tends to increase, especially from August to December. October is the month with the largest increase in rainfall.
- Concluded that almost communes of Dai Loc district has high risk of flooded. Especially, communes such as Dai Tan, Dai Hoa, Dai Phong, Dai Hiep, Ai Nghia, Dai Quang, Dai Cuong, whose flooded area was very large if flooding level was in 0.5 meters. If flooding level is under the II alarming rate, 31.27% rice annual crops land might be flooded. If flooding level is above the II alarming rate but under the III alarming rate, 45.17% rice annual crops land might be flooded. And if flooding level is over the III alarming rate, 54.4% rice annual crops land will be flooded.
- Pointed out the extreme drought occured annually at Vu Gia and Thu Bon downstream communes such as Dai Hiep, Dai Hoa, Dai Minh and Ai Nghia. 25.93% (2398.5 hectares) of rice and annual crops is affected by extreme drought; 32% (2659.6 hectares) is in medium drought. This situation most appears in Ai Nghia, Dai Hiep, Dai Nghia, Dai Minh, Dai Cuong and Dai Quang.
- Identified annual erosion situation at several communes in Dai Loc district. Erosion hits continuously some communes which locates along the Vu Gia river, the most is Dai Hung, Dai Dong. Sedimentation is also increasing at 9 communes, especially at Dai Nghia, Dai Cuong.
- Proposed several solutions like building the forecast map of flood, drought, erosion; recommended priority sectors, activities and projects to help local government and people adapt reasonably to climate change, mitigate the damage to the lowest level.
5. Products
- Research final report
- 02 published articles in Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
- 01 published articles in Proceedings ofNational GIS conference.
Article 1: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn. Study on building drought risk map for agricultural production planning in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, ISSN 1859-4581, 2014, Number: 20, Page: 67-73.
Article 2: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn. study on building of flooding map by impact of climate change for sustainable land use planning in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province, Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, ISSN 1859-4581, 2014, Number: 22, Page: 71-77.
Article 3: Nguyễn Hữu Ngữ, Dương Quốc Nõn, Nguyễn Phúc Khoa. Apply GIS for building risk maps by impact of climate change in Dai Loc district, Quang Nam province. Proceedings of National GIS conference, 2014. Published by Can Tho University. Page: 668-676.
- 02 undergraduate and graduate students who were participated the research and after that defended successfully their thesis.
6. Effects, transfer alternatives of research results and applicability
- Transfer the research results directly to Division of Resourses and Environment in Dai Loc district.
- Make reference documents for students, graduate students and fellows.
- Add to the curriculum, lesson on Master Planning and Land Use Planning.
- Scientific reports, articles in Journals.