International projects have been implementing
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International projects have been implementing

Total number of projects have been conducting is 14 projects, some can be listed are: “Developing productive, sustainable and profitable smallholder beef enterprises in Center Vietnam – LSP/2012/062 – ACIAR”, “Supporting the integration in Agricultural Curricula of Climate Change concerns at Universities of Agriculture in Vietnam – ACCCU”, Profession Oriented Higher Education – POHE.
List of international projects have been implementing:
No | Project Title | Name of Donor | Host | |
1 | Developing productive, sustainable and profitable smallholder beef enterprises in Central Vietnam - LPS/2012/062 | Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) | Centre for Environment and Waste in Agriculture (CEWA) | |
2 | Enhance roles of civil society organizations in implementing the new rural development programme | Irish Aid's Vietnam Civil Society Facility (VCSF) | Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD) | |
3 | Profession Oriented Higher Education (POHE) | NUFFIC | Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF) | |
4 | Supporting the integration in Agricultural Curricula of Climate Change concerns at Universities of Agriculture in Vietnam (ACCCU) | The Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education(NICHE) | Centre for Agricultural Forestry Research and Development (CARD) | |
5 | Promoting the participation of the Central Vietnam VNGO-FLEGT network in the FLEGT/VPA processes | ICCO | Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD) | |
6 | Higher education of Master’s program in Land Management through networking on courses | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) | Faculty of Land Resources Management and Agricultural Environment | |
7 | Technology development for circulatory food production systems responsive to climate change: Development of mitigation option for greenhouse gases emissions from agricultural lands in Asia | National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences | Faculty of Agronomy | |
8 | ENHANCE- Research and Innovation Management and Implementation in Vietnam (Details) |
Erasmus+ | Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van An | |
9 | REACT- Strengthening climate change REsearch And innovation CapaciTies in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam | Erasmus+ | Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van An |