International Affairs
- Thursday - 10/03/2016 09:09
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The HUAF has been co-operating on a large scale with international institutions/ universities in The Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, Finland, Japan, Belgium, China, The Philippines, Thailand, Australia, United States of America, Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan-China, and with international organizations such as:

IDRC, SIDA, SAREC, CIDA, IRRI, CIP, ICCO, JICA, WB, ADB, NICHE, DAAD, ACIAR, Helvetas, Tropenbos and so on.
International co-operative activities have provided numerous training opportunities for the staff and improved the capacity of HUAF in teaching and research as well as the reputation and position of the HUAF in the country and in the region.
International co-operative activities have provided numerous training opportunities for the staff and improved the capacity of HUAF in teaching and research as well as the reputation and position of the HUAF in the country and in the region.